[Dance Emote] Gangnam Style
sorry, cant agree. lol
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness
Your Idea is bad and you should feel bad
The only problem with this that I can see is that the dance is very FotM. Why would ANet add such a specific item to the gem store when they could instead add dances that will have a little more proven longevity?
If we get more dances, I would like to see some more classic (not as in ballroom dancing, but as in long standing proven to remain relevant) dances before fad dances are added. Sure, it would be fun at the moment. But are you really going to be using that dance in six months when the next craze rolls around? Are ANet going to be selling that dance then? Or would it maybe make more sense to, if they are going to sell extra dances, sell ones which won’t be out of date so soon?