Dance book change & Fun items in general.
One shameless bump to add:
I think all items of this nature should be an account upgrade, fun features should be fun to use, especially if it’s required to exchange currency for them, be it gold or real money. I believe people would be much more inclined to buy them if it wasn’t such a hassle to transfer them between characters to activate them, as it is now I am far less likely to buy anything else in the future. Perhaps add a claim rewards command similar to GW1, allowing us to copy items that are account bound by default like this to other characters. I realize this is probably a non issue for people sitting on mountains of gold that they can convert to gems, but for people like me that just do a little crafting, convert some pvp materials into dyes for money, or decide to buy a small gem store card on a whim while we’re out and about, it would make future gem store purchases more appealing.
(edited by Lylandrissabelle.5463)
What they should do is add a tab to the gem store called purchases where any toys or clothes you have purchased become unlocked and listed. You would then be able to “repurchase” these items at any time free of cost and have them mailed to you.