Dancing for fun!

Dancing for fun!

in Suggestions

Posted by: RubberNinja.6470


Now I did do a small search for something similar and I didn’t find much so If it’s already been repeated then I’m sorry.

I think there should be more divirsity between the dances, why? Well each race has their own dance, and right now this very moment, me and a few other random people on the Vabbi server are dancing infront of the start for Lost Shores, I started dancing for fun and for some reason everyone has joined in!!

Now can you imagine if everyone was in a line, and just busted out some Gangnam Style dance moves? that would be pretty crazy.

This isn’t a major “must implement” sort of suggestion. but maybe give a choice of what dance moves to bust out with, or add new command such as /fart or /burp.

Dancing for fun!

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


There are a slew of posts about dancing and emotes. Your search-jitsu skills need much improvement, young padawan.

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