Day/Night no difference?

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


I was playing this game for like 2 months now, and i believe that i would Never/Never notice when day turns to night and opposite, and i had to buy AC long bow, to see when day/night changes.

So i think day and night need bigger difference, because it would be awesome to feel the all mighty moon. I feel like i’m a daily assassin, so nacked. :S

Anet, i’m wondering if you are planning to do something about this because we don’t notice difference and we want it badly?

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


It is noticeable, but I agree; it could be a lot better.

I’ll never understand why MMO developers won’t put effort into their weather more. It could really be a great thing both mechanically and visually.

If Anet wants to set a new standard, this would be one niche within MMOs that is begging for improvement.

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zahld.4956


Moar better nights and moar better days! Bigger suns and bigger moons. Hotter days and colder nights. More night creatures and more day creatures. More better day to night and night to day transitions. More day life and more night life. Richer nights and richer days. More day activities and more night activities. More candles and lighting at night and more shadows during the day… Low tide in the morning and high tide in the evening…

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


Totally agree, at least night should get more bluish/darkish effect. so u get the feeling that it’s getting darker.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Days last 70 minutes, while nights last 40 minutes, with a 10 minute transition period between the two.

I do notice, especially on my Sylvari when the glowing kicks in.

But the transition and night graphics could definitely be better.
Instead of just getting darker, there needs to be a more distinct tone between daylight and moonlight in some zones where it seems dark and dreary all the time.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zex.4629


I agree, add a better night & day, while making nights longer and darker. Also weather weather weather. Please add more weather. The opening level for humans with the rain and storm was so epic. I really wish it was in the actual game Past level 1..

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


could add rain that makes it hard to see far. Like heavy rain and blizzards. It would be really great fightin in these conditions. The darkness could be like the fotm snow map where its so dark you need torch or somethin to have light around you. Then the ppl who like being ninjas can have their fun at night.

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: SSalp.6423


could add rain that makes it hard to see far. Like heavy rain and blizzards. It would be really great fightin in these conditions. The darkness could be like the fotm snow map where its so dark you need torch or somethin to have light around you. Then the ppl who like being ninjas can have their fun at night.

This would be so awesome!
Also the night should be like in the ice fractal only with a little further sight.

Immotal Kingdom[KING] – Desolation

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Day/Night cycle in firefall is amazing, would be nice if anet had a look at it.

Torches can light our way, so let us play with light. (you can buy torches for a few copper in the charr starting zone too, make them a general merchant item.)

Maybe even add a mechanic in certain areas (like in the water fractal) where if you have no light, monsters attack you.

Welcome to my world –

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


I would suggest strong winters, where yours/monsters/npcs and every object in that area, would get decreased speed for walking on deep snow of winter storm. In guild wars 1 there was area where snow was pretty much effective. I’ll install guild wars 1 and show what and where i mean it, when you can definitely notice the difference between regular sunny winters day and storm.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lukhas.1962


Since the early betas have been talking about this topic. But apparently it is somewhat complicated to implement since no Dev has responded. There was talk of making the night much darker, with better weather effects, with dynamic events happen depending on whether it is day or night, etc …

(edited by Lukhas.1962)

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zex.4629


could add rain that makes it hard to see far. Like heavy rain and blizzards. It would be really great fightin in these conditions. The darkness could be like the fotm snow map where its so dark you need torch or somethin to have light around you. Then the ppl who like being ninjas can have their fun at night.

This +100

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: x od.9876

x od.9876

I know what you mean!i ll explain his thaught!in real life the full moon is once a month and no moon is also once a month !it should be the same in gw2!like between eternal battleground pitchblack catacomb and what is actually night in gw2!i everything enabled and I haven’t seen relatively real night!its like its 6 oclock every night!

ps:@ARENANET!THE VALUE OF GAMMA FOR SRGB BY THE WAY ARENANET IS 1.125 .IT IS NOT 1!it is probably why the various inaccuracy!also the color light temperature for srgb is always standard at 6500k(d65)etc you can google the standard is avail online!this will ensure proper color shade etc if you set according to the standard!not what Microsoft supply!(ya there are error)

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: crouze.3078


Since the early betas have been talking about this topic. But apparently it is somewhat complicated to implement since no Dev has responded. There was talk of making the night much darker, with better weather effects, with dynamic events happen depending on whether it is day or night, etc …

Didnt know about this one. I made a suggestion my self not long ago with some pictures:

To bad that suggestions are forgotten as soon as they leave the first page on this Forum

And i want it as badly as most others here

(edited by crouze.3078)

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I agree that nights need to be made darker. When I can tell, is when I am playing my Sylvari and notice the glow. If I am playing on a non Sylvari I don’t notice whether it is day or night. Most of the time I can’t know that it’s night unless I happen to look up. Playing when it’s actually darker at night would, I think, make it more enjoyable. More tense and spooky as you wander around in the dark. It wouldn’t have to be pitch dark for this. Just dark enough that you can’t see as far out. Maybe half as far away.

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fairymore.8609


Since the early betas have been talking about this topic. But apparently it is somewhat complicated to implement since no Dev has responded. There was talk of making the night much darker, with better weather effects, with dynamic events happen depending on whether it is day or night, etc …

Didnt know about this one. I made a suggestion my self not long ago with some pictures:

To bad that suggestions are forgotten as soon as they leave the first page on this Forum

And i want it as badly as most others here

Thanks for providing those pictures and comparisons. One MMO that did “Night time” the right way is Lord of the Rings Online but only in selective areas. In Mirkwood when the sun sets it gets very dark and what makes this darkeness even more apparent is the “torch” feature where only the immediate area around your character is lit/visible by light. I can not presently provide a picture but this really set the atmosphere for the area and made the environment itself seem threatening. I am still applauding Lotro devs for this.

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


More weather, more distinct days and nights. That would do a world of good!

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


I’m not sure what the Fractal is called, but it’s the one where the Svanir are, and you’re up in the mountains and need to be near fires to keep warm. The night time in that one is wonderful.

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: hharry.1967


Honestly i never noticed any difference with day/night, not sure if graphics too low or what…

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I only notice when it’s night with silvary, as they glow, unless I look up to the sky and see the stars.

They I see around me and it’s so bright that you wouln’t think it’s night. In some areas you won’t even get ‘dark-bluish’ as you do in dark places like caves.

No exceptions!

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


+1 to more distinct nights/days and also for the weather. Shouldn’t be overdone either ofc. but just a little more would be nice.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Day/Night no difference?

in Suggestions

Posted by: crouze.3078


One MMO that did “Night time” the right way is Lord of the Rings Online but only in selective areas. In Mirkwood when the sun sets it gets very dark and what makes this darkeness even more apparent is the “torch” feature where only the immediate area around your character is lit/visible by light.

At first i had the same idea to add a torch, but i deleted it and changed my suggestion from “make the night darker” to " give us an option to do it".

I did this because i know anet got allready complaints about that its to dark.

My first thoughts was to make nights more like the dark rooms of the jumping puzzles:

Instead of making it pitch black in the distance they could make it darker in the distance. And the radius of the light source could be increased..

So you have a medium radius of lets say 600 around you with the same brightness as the current night, that then fades in the distance to something like in may screenshots.

The light could either come from a torch or some random asura device that magically is placed in a new equip slot.

Let it be some kind of glowing crystal, impregnation that makes your armor glow / emitting light at night or whatever.

But since there are to many complaints…. i changed it to a simple “option to make nights darker without any additional gamemechanic”.