"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


As title says.
“A fallen branch from “Mother”, with mysterious powers. Summons a creature on your location. Does not work In sPvP/WvW. This item vanishes after using once."

I’d suggest a 10 to 50 gems price tag and a 1 minute delay for each use on this.

Thanks for reading. Comment away.

-EDIT- Fixed a mistake.

(edited by GustavoM.7605)

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


In other words, griefing.

I remember having 2,000 Dead branches and I let them loose all over Prontera.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


While fun, this would be used for griefing, so no.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


In other words, griefing.

Care to tell us why?
And yes, I’ve imagined griefing ways with such item. Hence the 1 minute delay suggestion Is there, too. Unless I’m missing something.

If that’s the case, please enlighten me why this Is not appropriate, altogether with ways to improve and/or sane possible wrong endeavours with It.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


The timer won’t solve it, you’d just get a guild of griefers using it together. The only way this item would be safe is if the summoned monster couldn’t attack, but then where’s the fun?

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


griefing is allready a problem so adding DBs would not make mutch of a difference.
Just give them a Reset range maybe around 3000 at from the spawn and everything is ok.
They should also vanish is no one kills them in at least 20 mins. And a max limit of active DB mobs per map

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


There is remarkably little griefing in the game. The best you can do is aggro mobs and drop them on AFK players.

Dead branches have been abused on pretty much every game they exist, and since Anet has a strict policy against griefing… it’s not going to happen.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


So, to prevent griefing, we create gladiatorial arenas that you enter into with your “Dead Branches”. You can bring an entire party with you, and the arena could be instanced or it could be a queue with the ability to spectate from outside, so players can watch it in real-time.

Suddenly, the idea of griefing is gone, because Dead Branches have been tucked away into an area specifically built for them. If Dead Branches are plentiful, the area will see more than enough traffic and could even potentially be another goldsink, albeit a very small one. You could even introduce betting!

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


Now it’s Pokémon. Which I fully support, btw, but it’s not Dead Branches.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


It’s not Pokemon. You’re not pitting two monsters against each other, you’re dropping a single Dead Branch to summon a monster for your party to defeat. A free RO server I played on ages ago had a similar setup to counter the griefing that took place with the item.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: WeLoveKanjimari.6725


I very much doubt they’d add this item, considering it’s a direct ripoff from another game (ragnarok online).

That’s not something you can do. Rip off other games.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


That’s not something you can do. Rip off other games.

I’m going to assume you’re being sarcastic, because otherwise this is hilarious.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Unless it’s as an ally. No creature summoning. If you want to fight a monster, go explore for one.

No exceptions!

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


DBs where fun cuz you did not know what monster comes next. It could be trash but it could be a verteran too.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phy.2913


Remember the old school Warlock spell “Summon Demon”? Good times….