Dead levels in Guild upgrade trees?

Dead levels in Guild upgrade trees?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dakkaface.8510


I’m a leader in a fairly small guild, of IRL friends. There’s only 10-12 of us, and only 4-5 are active players. I try to spend our influence where it will get us the most benefit, as we don’t get a lot of it.

So when looking down the chart, I’m a disappointed to see ‘dead levels’ in the upgrade trees where there’s absolutely nothing gained except the ability to get the next level of upgrade. After you get Architecture Level 3, what do you unlock? The ability to pay for Architecture Level 4. Politics 5 and Research 2 are also dead levels that offer no benefit. Art of War is the only tree with no dead levels, and since my guild largely ignores WvW and PvP for PvE, it provides us with little benefit.

Can we get at least 1 option added to each of these to keep them from being time wasters? If the issue is balancing cost, why not just eliminate the dead level and make the next level up cost more influence and time? They don’t serve any purpose now but to frustrate guildies and delay you from getting to the upgrades you actually want.

Dead levels in Guild upgrade trees?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malikkus.4396


Agreed, more dynamic needed throughout the whole guild system, without all the cool stuff being at the end. At least a few things to make people want to get together with guildies more, do things, and make a name for themselves.

At this point it mostly just rewards you for recruiting a lot of people to the point where you don’t need to worry about anything. Maybe with some good changes to what you can do with a small group of guild members, and how you’re rewarded, you’ll see more exclusive, memorable guilds.. and less of these McGuilds spamming the same ad for their 300+ strong members.