I’m putting together my “Wish List” for the holiday. I hope your ghost and goblin helpers can get your hearse packed up for your ride across the world delivering gifts to all the boys and girls!
1.) Alliance Chat – it sure would be nice to have the ability to have global guilds that have members on multiple servers (Europe and North America for example) to be able to talk to eachother – even if you won’t let us play together… gotta keep ’em separated…
2.) Alliances… duh. Let our guilds be able to join together. Sure sucks when we have nealy 700 members that can’t all talk.
3.) I love the little blue dots on the mini-map that show my party. How about guild members being shown – if only for the current map you are on?? Gosh that would be super nice.
4.) Please have your nastiest baddies visit the Camera Development Team. Give them a nasty rash in sensitive areas for bestowing us with a camera that zoom into the back of my head when I’m next to a wall when trying to manage a jumping puzzle. They deserve to be tarred and feathered daily until they fix it.
5.) Chests… please at least try to up the odds that the weapon or armor that is received after spending an hour trying to get through the horrible-camera-caused-blind-jump-to-my-death jumping puzzle be something I can actually use. Nothing better than finally getting to the Splendid Chest with a sigh of relief at not dying… again… only to find armor that doesn’t work for my class or weapons that cannot be used by my class.
I’ll be leaving your preferred bottle of Moonshine on the table!
Merry Screamness!