GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
Demoting guild leaders
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
In my own honest opinion I agree with you.
There is the ability to customize ranks (including names) and their privelages. I believe (this is going off my memory, which can be pretty bad, so I apologize if it’s not correct) that you can create a new rank (called Co-Leader) that would give them all of the privileges of a normal guild leader, with the exception of being powers OVER the guild leader. (by being a rank under the guild leader, they could only admin “lower” ranks on the ladder)
I agree — admin lower ranks should only allow a leader to kick or demote LOWER ranks — same ranked individuals should not be able to admin each other even at the highest levels. But, I also watched all of the suggestion/complaint threads before this change was made where leaders had accidentally promoted someone to leader rank and then couldn’t demote/kick them and had them be uncooperative about stepping back down and generally causing chaos in the ranks. I don’t think there’s an easy answer for this one.
Sorrows Furnace
is fine as it is, just don’t promote someone to same highest rank as you, but make a rank with same permissions (which include to only moderate ppl of lower or equal rank of you) if you do not trust them 100% to not demote you
Sounds like the original founder was naive. They shouldn’t have shared their guild with someone else.
Perhaps I’m being harsh but I can only imagine that the person whose now in control, has little to no respect for the foundations of the guild.
As people have said, he could have edited the settings so as not been in a position to get demoted.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”