Diablo 3 loot system fix

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Death Aggro.9602

Death Aggro.9602

How bout some loot? Some reward for effort? How bout some exotic drops from enemies. Or from a chest! How bout a few unique skins i can sell for money. You know like the old dead sword farming and ele sword. Something to keep me engaged. That would be great. Just something. 287hrs in game and not 1. and i mean not 1 drop or story item i could use. And have never seen an exotic drop. or unique skin that would sell for more than vendor price.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bananaheli.8501


1+ to you good sir

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: NLB.9836


i have a little better luck then you sir haha but i do agree 100000% the drops from mobs are predictable boring and offer little reward and even when i ran through dungeons multiply times i got maybe 2 pieces of armor i could use out of like the 15 crappy blues sets. and the pieces i could use were not even better then the ones i had on. loot dropping in chests in dungeons and in the general world needs to be fixed. its like certain enemies drop certain items and rarely drop an item that is a weapon or armor and if they do drop one 80% it is crap. i get my armor from karma vendors……and thats not how i want to play a mmo id like to run around kill a bunch of stuff collect a bunch of loot and feel like i accomplished something without actually accomplishing anything. make sense?

p.s. sorry for lack of grammar and punctuation, its late here and im in a rager type mood haha

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ayan.1750


That would make sense if there was actual variety in the stats of the weapons that drop. There are limited amount of combos of stats you can have with the way the system has been designed that making useful random loot drop is technically impossible.

You don’t have the random stat generated items found in Diablo III and Borderlands 2.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Infuser.9685


In PVM after u get 80 and full exotic gear there is rly nothing to do, except farm ur eye balls out for skin in dungeon which 90% ppl aint doing…

8v8 became boring, tournaments are fun but too generic always same maps, same type.

Since pvp is obviously only thing u can do when u hit 80 anet better start doing something about it.

If they dont make some new stuff to do in pvp like duels,ctf,ffa whatever this game will die pretty soon.

80 lvl Norn Ranger
Seafarer’s Rest

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vendetta.5032


In PVM after u get 80 and full exotic gear there is rly nothing to do, except farm ur eye balls out for skin in dungeon which 90% ppl aint doing…

8v8 became boring, tournaments are fun but too generic always same maps, same type.

Since pvp is obviously only thing u can do when u hit 80 anet better start doing something about it.

If they dont make some new stuff to do in pvp like duels,ctf,ffa whatever this game will die pretty soon.

The 10% will still be playing, and the 90% will come back with a new expansion, as there are no monthly fees.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Upping your magic find solves this issue. If you gear up correctly you can get far better drops. Using Magic find boosters from chests can help too

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: iKami.4950


Upping your magic find solves this issue. If you gear up correctly you can get far better drops. Using Magic find boosters from chests can help too

- 100% MF, in Orr, only 78-80 blues plus t4-t5 crafting plus junk same rule for dungeons. Am i unlucky ?

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slaven.3721


+1 but I say up the difficulty and in return we get more drops. That what I hate about the new update with dungeons. Instead of reducing rewards just make them harder to get.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sondergaard.8469


+1 but I say up the difficulty and in return we get more drops. That what I hate about the new update with dungeons. Instead of reducing rewards just make them harder to get.

This I completely and 100% agree with. Nerfing the rewards was a bad idea IMO. It reduces incentive to even bother with the dungeon. Increase difficulty, make the rewards worth it, then you really have something worth doing.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyoss.9123


287hrs in game and not 1. and i mean not 1 drop or story item i could use.

Its not the game’s fault you totally outlevelled the story quests before doing them. Its just as with every game out there, some hardcore freaks like you amass my years’ playtime in weeks and then complain that there’s nothing to do, bad loot blabla.

You will burn out in about 2-3 weeks and never tough gw2 again, while I will still enjoy the game months from now.

But hey, i also got a wife, job and outdooors time

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toxicmoon.9764


Amen OP!

Even at level 80 spending countless hours farming I must mention out of all the mmo’s I’ve played and this is dating back to 1996 mind you, I haven’t failed more at making money then in this game. Granted it is in fact new, and new to me. But by now I should have a system that works and that’s efficient.

I always farm a lot in mmos. Invest a great deal in time farming always to ensure when I’m not farming I can enjoy myself to the fullest, or at least from a pretty good position from my spoils from all said farming.

Not here, travel, repair, deaths, PVP adds up a lot. On top of which the drop rate on items and the value is quite low in retrospect on the investment you put in. It’s a slow painful crawl and a bit more demanding then I’m willing to except.

I just logon now to play WvW, I do find that activity fun. As for continuing to farm for exotic gear, it’s a bit too demanding for me. Just isn’t what I feel is reasonable. I haven’t checked if this game allows real money trade for currency but I’m assuming that’s the objective with the current system. I don’t do real money trade, I play to save money not spend it. I hope that the Diablo example would put a nail in that coffin on terms of RTM thinking.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toxicmoon.9764


287hrs in game and not 1. and i mean not 1 drop or story item i could use.

Its not the game’s fault you totally outlevelled the story quests before doing them. Its just as with every game out there, some hardcore freaks like you amass my years’ playtime in weeks and then complain that there’s nothing to do, bad loot blabla.

You will burn out in about 2-3 weeks and never tough gw2 again, while I will still enjoy the game months from now.

But hey, i also got a wife, job and outdooors time

Or perhaps after beating the streets a few hours a day and checking every job site under the sun each day, some cheap entertainment to pass the time since the layoff.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


How bout some loot? Some reward for effort? How bout some exotic drops from enemies. Or from a chest! How bout a few unique skins i can sell for money. You know like the old dead sword farming and ele sword. Something to keep me engaged. That would be great. Just something. 287hrs in game and not 1. and i mean not 1 drop or story item i could use. And have never seen an exotic drop. or unique skin that would sell for more than vendor price.

What is a Diablo 3 loot system??
I don’t know, did diablo3 invent some new loot system
?? Never seen before??

Please.. come on.. diablo3 loot system?…
Well from what I read you whine about not getting the drops you want, well wasn’t that the case for diablo3 as well? Never getting anything good.. Aint that the whole idea about diablo3? To farm for hours and hours to get gear? I know you talk about skins in this case, which did not play any major role in D3, which makes all the more obscure that you are trying to ask for higher drop chances of gear.
The very notion of this topic seems out of place at this point of time, too early to ask for this kind of thing.
FYI: I am 227 hours in, and I have no problem with this at all, and I doubt the next 60 hours will change anything.
I am sorry I do not agree with you at this point of time, but we all have our own opinion.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Diablo loot system? you spend years farming to maybe get a good rare here and there… please w/e you do, DO NOT COPY THEIR METHOD. I agree with whoever said increase dungeon difficulty instead of weakening drops. Its better doing dungeons knowing the reason its so hard is because you get pimp rewards from it not spamming the dungeon because you get jack sh** from it.
Just a side note, there are tons and tons of undiscovered pieces of armor and recipes making the game all that much better. If we spent about a month and found everything already what would be the point?

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Diablo III is an action hack&slash gear grinder (they still it as an action RPG, but it is NOT that. Games like Zelda, Y’s, Deux Ex, or even Guild Wars have more of action RPGs than the Diablo series)

As a gear grinder, once you hit max level (and now Paragon max level) gear is all that’s left to aim for, and the game goes around getting the better gear, and it’ll be like that until they add duels and PvP.

Also, while Diablo III has an auction house with lots of drops and each item can be unique, in Guild Wars 2 the pattern has much less variation and more regular patterns, to allow for much better balance, and that also allows a Trading Post that has every possible item you can trade, even if no one is offering it, so you can place an order with two clicks.
More variatin would make impossible to concentrate so many orders in the same item.

Diablo’s loot system does not go well with Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2, and its controlled trading system.

No exceptions!