Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torpian.9142


In Diablo 3 you can click on a forum poster’s name and view their achievements / gear via a 3D model of their character. It also lists their stats and other characters they have. EverQuest 2 had something like that as well, whereby you could use a webpage to check out other players or guilds. Does anyone else think this would be a great feature to have on the GW2 forums? It’s basically ‘out of game’ Character inspection. EQ2 ranked players by a lot of different categories as well, such as wealthiest, most damage, died the most, highest critical hit etc..

Wardens of Myth, Tarnished Coast

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guns and Giblets.9308

Guns and Giblets.9308

I think it would be interesting and even neat at times. However, there are people on these forums who will think it entails some sort of gross elitism and/or will be insecure about others “inspecting” their characters.

I don’t understand it. I’m sure if it was to be implemented, that the moderators on these forums would be more than happy to infract, suspend and ban anyone mocking others for their character choices.

“A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: lmaonade.9207


I’ve always like looking at other peoples stuff

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’m totally against it.

It would only Promote Superiority and Inferiority

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashen.2907


As long as individuals could choose to opt out, sure.

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miku.6297


What positive functions would this have on the over all game?

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


I would love to have that, particularly in a web form. The reason for this is because that 3D model would then be accessible to us users… meaning those of us with 3D printers could print out our characters! =D

Far easier to get to that model if its in a web cache than not. I wouldn’t even know how to, or if it is possible to, extract that player’s character model from the game files >_>

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boatdrinks.2546


What positive functions would this have on the over all game?

Not denying there are big elitism issues that come along with it by any means, but I often used web armory as such…
“Wow, that (insert class) shouldn’t have a hard counter against my (insert class), but his greaves are now firmly implanted in my posterior… I wonder what kind of build he’s using.”

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lokki.1092


Personally I like it on the WoW boards. Not only does it give credibility to those that deserve it, but also helps to weeds out the trolls (sometimes). It removes almost all boasting based on lies, and generally makes people more honest about anything that can be seen publicly.

However the downside is it is easy to be elitist with that system. However I wonder if that is truly such a bad thing. It it wrong to be proud of your accomplishments? I don’t think so. What about dismissing someone’s point because they do not have the particular experience on the subject matter? Well that is hairy to me, on one hand there is no need to be rude. On the other often people give advice purely on theory and it is simply incorrect. The only point I see wrong with elitism is when you try belittle those who do not have whatever it is you have. Then you are just being plain rude.

(edited by Lokki.1092)

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


The problem with a system like this is that the game already borders on elitismismistsism. <— Yes, that.

It wouldn’t hurt friendly guild groups, but it would hurt pug groups, and coming from a solo player, that means that it’s going to make my job much, much harder. (Not that I don’t have the gear and whatnot, but people looking at the other people in the party then saying “NOPE, YOU SUCK GTFO” makes it a lot harder to fill parties.)

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boatdrinks.2546


I’m in one of the mega-guilds, most of whom seem to be super friendly. Is the pug scene really that bad here?
I got the game in Nov(the infamous patch weekend was my b-day), but didn’t quit wow and really start playing this till Jan. I seem to remember /m pugging into a couple of SM dungeons as I leveled, apologizing if I messed up, and generally having a good time of it. Did a few Exp with pugs before I joined my guild, there were a couple of jerks, but it was still generally positive. I hate to hear things have gotten that bad so fast. If you’re talking about poor gear in speed runs… it’s a niche you have to fit in to get in. That’s why i don’t do them .

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


The pug scene isn’t that bad. It’s just there ARE potential groups where it can happen. And minor things will push it over the edge. Look at Fractals. If you know the fights, you can go to nearly any level without any Agony Resist. Other than Jade Maw insta-Agony’ing you, all Agony can be dodged/avoided, which means that Agony Resist isn’t required, but is useful.

I personally got to level 24 before getting any AR. I now have 20 AR and do level 32 on a monthly basis. I could get to 35, but I don’t care enough to get there.

If people were able to spectate, getting a Fractal group would be VERY unforgiving.

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torpian.9142


What positive functions would this have on the over all game?

Lots – like someone else said, it validates a players opinion / claim on the forums. In Diablo 3, some players provided advice or guides on aspects of the game. It was easy to see if they knew what they were talking about by checking their stats. That’s my main reason for wanting it.

Wardens of Myth, Tarnished Coast

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


I’m in one of the mega-guilds, most of whom seem to be super friendly. Is the pug scene really that bad here?

The pug-scene is currently relatively good and I’d like to keep it that way. Inspecting wouldn’t bring anything positive to pugs.

Currently I don’t do any gear checks when I invite people. I like it that way, let everyone play by his own style.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reyuken.3029


A option to ‘Open inventory to public’, which allows other players to right click on your name and view your inventory. I dont think the elitism is a issue when its confined to just in-game. Most gear is visible anyways, besides trinkets maybe. And i dont think theres a lot of wow factor to trinkets.

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


I like this feature in D3, its very useful for the player too…

It looks very cool too, I like how Blizzard implemented this, its also very fast, seems to update every few minutes…

On the D3 forums, there is a kind of a private option in that you can show your starcraft or wow profile instead, so other Diablo players can’t see your gear…

(edited by Meglobob.8620)

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


A option to ‘Open inventory to public’, which allows other players to right click on your name and view your inventory. I dont think the elitism is a issue when its confined to just in-game. Most gear is visible anyways, besides trinkets maybe. And i dont think theres a lot of wow factor to trinkets.

You obviously don’t have ascended gear. The inspect feature would revolve around the trinkets entirely.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: chnet.1832


As long as individuals could choose to opt out, sure.

I’d like to see it opt-in rather than opt-out. And then it’ll be fine.

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: aspirine.6852


PRetty good idea, I have only good experience from the Diablo 3 forums. No trolling anymore and if you do not want to show your gear for any reason put in in your chest/inventory before you logout.

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direksone.3867


Perhaps. It’s fun to see someone’s gear ‘Oh that’s that piece! Cool!’ But you will get a lot more Elitist Jerks. “WHAT?! NO BERSERKER?! NO YOU WONT BE INVITED!”. Don’t look forward to more of that “WoW”/“Hardcore” mentality in a game like this.

Blood And Metal is a guild on Gunnars Hold that is all about metal, punk,hard rock etc.. Join us!

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoldyck.6241



Please respect other people’s personal space and choice of underwear.

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantom.8130


i remember before launch that they stated that they don’t want to ever put a gear check into gw2 due to the elitism it tends to create. then again, i remember them saying a lot of things that they’ve gone back on as well. remember the manifesto?

Diablo 3 style forum / in game gear check

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


In Diablo 3 you can click on a forum poster’s name and view their achievements / gear via a 3D model of their character. It also lists their stats and other characters they have. EverQuest 2 had something like that as well, whereby you could use a webpage to check out other players or guilds. Does anyone else think this would be a great feature to have on the GW2 forums? It’s basically ‘out of game’ Character inspection. EQ2 ranked players by a lot of different categories as well, such as wealthiest, most damage, died the most, highest critical hit etc..

No,if being added,i would find a way to disable it right away.I dont want my gear to be showing for others,i dont want my stats to be viewed,i dont want my achievements to be viewed.