Different color for superior siege blueprints

Different color for superior siege blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fixy.6193


It’s a simple change that would be useful for wvw player always looking for which one siege is regular or superior version in their inventory. Make them like green, red, pink…. whatever but please give them a different color from regular ones. Since you’ve already done it for guild siege blueprints(yellow) it shouldn’t be that hard.

(edited by Fixy.6193)

Different color for superior siege blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Makes sense. And please allow us to choose the colors. I will make superiors all day, every day if I could make them pink.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Different color for superior siege blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fixy.6193


I’m not sure what I mean is clear. I’m speaking about blueprints color not the actual siege weapon color so we don’t have to mouse over in the inventory to check if it’s a superior or regular.(I’ll edit my post to make it clear).

Different color for superior siege blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


Definitely +1 even if they made them a darker shade of blue (like the actual color of blueprints) that would allow us to instantly see which stacks were which and drop the one we needed.

Great idea.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD