Different puzzles please

Different puzzles please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erthrak.4039


before the game came out, you guys kept talking about having puzzles, and I was really excited. Since launch, Puzzles turned into Jumping puzzles only. I really enjoy the Jumping puzzles, especially the more complicated ones. I just found the maze in the Cursed Shore, and once I figured out what it was, I dived in, and loved it. I would just like to suggest a wider variety of puzzles. I would love a puzzle that didn’t reveal it until you got deeper into it, or through it completely. Maybe shifting rocks that change the start of your current jumping puzzles so its more of a challenge and can hoodwink the internet vids. Maybe shifting rocks that you have to land on and jump off just right to keep moving forward. I am sure you guys can think of more then I could, I just wanted to throw some support for some different puzzles!

Vral Grymfang, Vrelen Human, Treland Riverheart, Leif Dragonbourne.