Difficulty Player Movement. I got a Suggestion.
As a female player I agree to this.. Its really hard for my guardian to move and get last hit’s on enemies during melee fight, because I am not used to the control keys. While pressing skills at same time. I would love being able to have the click movment on mouse key again . I used to play guildwars 1
I think they disabled ‘click to move’ because it doesn’t
fit with their dodge system for GW2.
In addition to that, from my own experience with female players,
if they like it enough, they will take their time to learn, how to move around.
Well, Im male but I want click & move too. Using wasd all the time is annoying.
Why cant we have both?
I dont ask for complex path finding or anything. Simply Click on Ground and it moves there.
where the hell did you even get those statistics?
then again, 60% of statistics are made up, i shouldn’t be surprised.
and click to move wouldn’t work.
Thank you for replying, I think also its about first impression, since I know of some female who plays MMO, who really wanted to get into this game. But they would not rather wanna learn new controls method. I for one would learn and adapt to play the game how it is.. I just cant speak for some former players I introduced this game to.
I still hope for it to be an option that players can enable or disable in menu, nonetheless.
I dont even use dodge as much as i would like to in pve. Its alot of multi tasking – while learning the controls and throwing off my guardian skills all at same time, which is much for me to handle. i would use the dodge mechanic if controls was much simpler for me. >_<
I don’t use WASD. I am female. These two facts are entirely unrelated. In other MMOs and here I’ve had many female guildies who used WASD with devastating effect. I don’t use it because I am far too right handed to do anything that precise with my left hand, and will hit all the keys around the WASD buttons in frantic combat situations. The same issue arises with any combo-keys, which WASD requires if one is to use skills while moving.
Previous threads over the past months have gone into great detail as to why click to move simply won’t work with GW2 mechanics, especially with jumping being so integral to getting around the terrain.
Dodging was an issue for me in BWE1 (again, nothing to do with being a woman). Then I got a Naga HEX, bound my arrow keys to the buttons on the mouse, and while I’m still not a great circle strafer I can dodge any direction by rocking my right thumb a bit and clicking a button twice. Since my -right- hand can handle fast delicate movements just fine.
I dont even use dodge as much as i would like to in pve. Its alot of multi tasking – while learning the controls and throwing off my guardian skills all at same time, which is much for me to handle. i would use the dodge mechanic if controls was much simpler for me. >_<
map/bind dodge to the middle mouse button, or another easy to reach button. takes a while to get used to, but it’ll be a huge improvement.
Thank you for the input bruno. I would try to use some kind of key to use dodge mechanics. Right now my middle mouse button is a lil broken heh. but will look to see, i know dodge is on V button, right now its just too much to absorb and do at once, and learning to focus on using skill combos and healing allies as guardian and move close to allies and enemies.
Rebind the W key to strafe left and the R key to strafe right then lay your hand on your keyboard with your pinky finger starting at the Q key and ending at R. Bind evade to E and play around with it. It’s a much more natural feeling once you get used to it.
Hope this somewhat helps.
(edited by Miflett.3472)
Thank you for the input bruno. I would try to use some kind of key to use dodge mechanics. Right now my middle mouse button is a lil broken heh. but will look to see, i know dodge is on V button, right now its just too much to absorb and do at once, and learning to focus on using skill combos and healing allies as guardian and move close to allies and enemies.
it also gets rid of accidental double taps.
The controls have a very steep learning curve. I’m a guy, I’ve been playing MMOs (and video games in general) for a very long time and I have trouble with them too. I actually learned to play video games using WASD and it’s still tough to get into position in melee combat. I think a large part of it is that skill activation just feels sluggish.
Also, GW2 has a steep learning curve in general. I like it but I know it’s a big turn off for a lot of players. Some parts of the game are really cool and really well done but things like traits weren’t very well developed. Also, it depends on your profession. If you’re playing an elementalist, it’s a difficult game to play. But if you’re a thief, guardian or warrior you can just faceroll through half the game.
I know its alot of programming in between movements from point A to point B, if they input the click to move function. But I believe it will help for alot of players out there. Like I said, it could be “optional” in menu. Also the dispute of why it wont work with the evade/dodge mechanic?. If you were to click on the location for character to travel to, and in between you press key to dodge, Generally it should dodge you in the direction of where your character is facing. I dont believe thats hard to input in the mechanics. I know its hard and alot of script writing for the programmers, but the mechanics should work well, and not be conflicting with click to move + dodge function.