Direct Trade

Direct Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: ParadoX.3124


Wouldn’t it be possible to add a direct trade between people keeping the 10% waste from TP ?

Kiwil / Alice Brightwood – Augury Rock – VVV

Direct Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The entire point of the TP fee (actually it’s 15%) is that it is the best goldsink in the game. As bad as inflation is now, without this fee it would be worse. I would be ok with direct trade as long as it charges the same (10%+5%).

Direct Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184



The last thing we need is trade spam on top of gold selling spam in LA or anywhere else for that matter . On top of that the 15% TP fee is needed to take gold out of the economy so no lets NOT have direct trading .

Direct Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


There are, of course, plenty of people who would get a lot of fun and use out of direct trade, and a few things that it does better than the Trading Post, but I’m still in favor of the TP, with no direct trade. I might not like paying taxes, but they serve a good function, and the gold sink function of the TP is a worthwhile cause in keeping the in-game economy working.

Also, the lack of trade spam compared to GW1 is glorious. This could be alleviated by having a /trade chat channel, but it’s still nice to have a system where there is almost no reason to shout your buy/sell offer to the whole of /map.

(So, really, I don’t mind it as long as there’s still the 15% fee, which keeps the gold sink running and doesn’t encourage people to spam chat for trade as a way around the fee.)

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Direct Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


trade channels are easily worked around

Direct Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid.3602


We got mail. Trust people or sell it on the TP. Otherwise deal with it ^^