Disable minor traits

Disable minor traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


There are currently a few minor traits across the professions—in very important traitlines—that unfortunately just do more harm than good in some PvP situations. Would it be possible to give the ability to disable a minor trait you don’t want?

Disable minor traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kysin.6349


Quite the interesting suggestion, I am very curious to hear an example?

Co-leader of Knights of Eminence[Sir] – PvX
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok

Disable minor traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941


Dunno about PvP, but for Ele the ‘Attack random nearby target when you attune to air’ is annoying for running through PvE, a simple switch of attunements for air magic (to move faster) yields the movement debuff for having attacked something. I could see that, along with Sunspot (the fire trait equievelent) and Earthen Blast (the earth magic version) both being contra-indicated when working with stealth, as simply changing attunements can now drop you from stealth.
//Portable Corpse

Disable minor traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: JefTheReaper.1075


I just think pvp and pve should be split, I play pve all the time and most traits are just plain annoyingly weak, while most pvp players say the traits are too overpowered,
I say split it up so that pve players can enjoy traits with double, if not triple the power from what they have now, and let pvp players enjoy a very strong nerfed trait grid

well most likely as pve has nothing to do with players fighting other players, meaning “ballance” is not needed much there, everybody in pve just wants to be powerfull enough to raid a entire area solo

pvp however requires a delicate balance so that one player is never stronger then the other, unfortunately that means right now it needs to be a fair balance AND not to weak so that pve does not become impossible,
if they would just split it up then all major problems would pretty much be solved.

Disable minor traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kulvar.1239


I’ve a better suggestion that can be more easy to implement.
The random attack when attuning to Air occur only if you’re already fighting.

I’ve the same query for the “Explosive rolling” warrior have with 5 in Strength trait line.
When I want to roll to avoid entering in fight, it’s infuriating that the final explosion make it useless.

Disable minor traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Quite the interesting suggestion, I am very curious to hear an example?

An example is “evasive powder keg,” an unavoidable engineer minor trait. It deals very low damage and just means that engineers can’t dodge in stealth (or the trait reveals them).

Reserve mines is similar.

Another is the thief trait that gives stealth at 25% health—a lot of thieves would like to disable it because if they’re in an attack animation as they get hit, it’s an instant revealed debuff.

I hadn’t thought of mob skipping in PvE, but that makes sense for warriors and eles.

It’s not that those traits are bad or useless, it’s just that in some situations they do more harm than good. It would be nice to get the option to turn them off.

Disable minor traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maliel.8362


Or let us choose between different traits, just like with majors