Disable the colored outline of a selected character
yes yes yes yes please!!
so many of my screen shots look ugly because of this ‘halo’! :P
but there are other reasons for allowing people the option to turn it off too (i looked all over settings for such an option – but, ya… it was a no go)
agreed its weird and lame and takes me out of the game kinda,its a feel kinda thing and it looks awful and makes it feel that way aswell
I wouldn’t mind if the halo actually represented a selected mob or npc. More often than not, a mob/npc will be highlighted but my character will interact or lock onto something else a good distance away.
I love the green outline. I think it’s perfectly subtle and helps a lot to figure out what’s selected.
I love the green outline. I think it’s perfectly subtle and helps a lot to figure out what’s selected.
It’d be nice if this outline disappeared when you hide the UI. Currently it sticks around, which is somewhat annoying when you’re trying to take a UI-free shot.
I agree that it should disappear when the UI is turned off for screenshot purposes. Otherwise, I actually wish the character outlines were more pronounced than they are now — it’d be nice to actually have some way of knowing where my target is hiding inside the giant supernova of spell effects covering my entire screen.
I’d very much like if the character outline could be toggled off and still keep the other “eye candy” on.
Currently it’s tied to Post-Processing effects in visual options.
Please let us be able to further adjust what details we want and don’t want..
Kind regards
Yes, please add an option to hide this outline. I find it very distracting, and yes, really interferes with the immersion. Such a beautiful game, and then these gawd awful colored outlines on realistic models…