Discussion: Make REPORTING matter!

Discussion: Make REPORTING matter!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Primexes.2165


Hey Players (of the video game type, if you are of the other type… good for you!)

REPORTING matters, it is the sub-policing of the game by its own players. It gives us the option to alert A-net to problems in the game… however when you may have a staff capacity of 500+ and a gaming community of a BAGILLION.. then a couple thousands of reports are hard to sift through and act on.
SUGGESTION: The reporting system, should have an AUTO-ACCOUNT BAN function on it, my current idea is that should an account receive 200 reports within 24hrs, then the account should be automatically suspended. I find that it would be semi-difficult to kitten off 200 people for simply being a kitten in any of the main channels. Maybe 100, 150 tops with your annoying trolling – However if the consent became that MASS REPORTING of spammers, scammer, gold sellers; automatically suspended and removed a BOT/SCAMMER from the game… it would become more active and a part of game culture to report and remove problematic accounts.

on the FLIP-SIDE, if your got auto suspended by the community – it would be less work to re-activate a few accounts, than ban a few thousand accounts. This system may be open to some abuse, it is definitely not iron-clad and the cap could probably be adjust to something like 500 depending on the actual amount of times a problems account gets reported in 24hrs on average. However I genuinely feel the majority of help can outweigh the minority of abuse – possibly because I feel I have never done anything kitten off 200 people on my server (although I think on the activation of this system, i may be the first to feel the sting of abuse… for the sake of irony i guess, although I am prepared for that, and I feel that if I can’t put up with the brunt of my own system, I have no right suggesting it. Let the cards fall as they may.).

Feel free to throw in your views, ideas or suggestions for the idea I had come up with. Please understand fully, that suggestion and opinion belong to the poster, you are in no way forced to swallow anyone’s opinion or suggestion, and it will only have account if you make it have account towards you. You may disagree, or have a different idea – but that in no way makes someone else’s idea wrong in anyway – personal attacks and arguments toward people only weaken your position, discussion with open consideration and disagreement give credit to your idea and suggestions.


sidenote: I skimmed over the forum rules and missed that ‘petition’ type posts were a big no-no. so embarrassed!

(edited by Primexes.2165)

Discussion: Make REPORTING matter!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Primexes.2165


Post has been updated with additional information – as per moderator request. :S

Discussion: Make REPORTING matter!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Already suggested something like this, about goldsellers. In my implementation however, the moment you press the report button, the ability to post in chat and send mail on the reported account gets suspended. No need for 100-200 reports, 1 is enough. I called it “light ban”. It offers great power, and would hit the goldsellers hard. If someone abused this option, he would be suspended in return. And the math agrees that sorting through a few tagged accounts beats going through 5000 reports.

Discussion: Make REPORTING matter!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Primexes.2165


The 100-200 reports give a greater bracket for someone to just report you because they don’t like what your saying in /map. Using 1 report to suspend all communications is way to easy for abuse and you would spend your life going through reports and chasing people who abuse the system. Think about it…. if it only took 1 report, what is to stop anyone from just cutting you off because they disagree. Trying to convince about 100 people to report you takes a little more argument – and people reporting gold spammers in /map can easily get up to 100+

The point was to give the community some power without making is too easy to abuse, as I said… it’s harder to kitten off 200 people in /map than just one single person who knows they can shutdown your communication with one report.

This could definitely work using your ‘light ban’ idea… however it has to be consistent number so that someone cannot abuse the system easily. 200 reports against your account in 24hrs is good enough for a red-flag. 1 is just too little.

Discussion: Make REPORTING matter!

in Suggestions

Posted by: XiaMae.9874


I definitely think something like this should be implemented. For the few times I’ve really felt strongly about reporting a person(s), they all basically kept going for over an hour, getting progressively worse, even when told that they were reported. By the time any action is taken (if at all), the damage is already done; far too many players had been exposed to the behavior, and many get sucked in, just adding fuel to the fire by provoking them (“feeding the trolls”). It’s not a good gaming environment.

Perhaps maybe at the 100-200 mark, something could auto-scan the reported chat messages for banned words and phrases?