Display Magic Find % on Hero panel

Display Magic Find % on Hero panel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

The forum search doesn’t execute for me so I couldn’t see if this already was suggested.

The only way to know what your MF% is is to hover over each piece of equipment and add it up. There should be a stat shown like there is for damage, healing power, critical chance.

This would also let us know for sure that the MF% on boon is working.

Display Magic Find % on Hero panel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fatal OEfx.5910

Fatal OEfx.5910

I agree this should be shown, however I wouldn’t take that as a guarantee that it’s working. I have found countless issues with other stats not even adding up correctly. Just saying.

King Fatal – Lvl 80 Warrior Norn – Stormbluff Isle