District System

District System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grizzly Bear.9085

Grizzly Bear.9085

I am sure I am not the first to suggest this, but after trying to use the forum search system (brought up unrelated posts and not the topics) and not seeing a thread I am posting the suggestion.

Please bring back the district system from GW1 within the cities. Would prevent lag, spread out the load for the servers.

The tricky part of navigating to the appropriate district with your party/friends is not longer an issue since there is already the system built in to join a party/friend in ___________.

District System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcadius.1247


What is the district system? is it like the overflow system? or is it more loading screens, I would be against more loading screens.

District System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oliver.4017


Its basically like the overflow system except you could choose which “overflow” you wanted to be in.

District System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcadius.1247


idk, itd make the cities seem emptier then they are now.