Diversity of Mobs
Variety for the sake of variety can be a terrible thing. Arena Net have done an excellent job at creating a diverse world with numerous different species – each with their own distinct lore and background. Pretty much every enemy we face has a purpose and story, not to mention this is one of the few MMO’s that makes them feel like they’re a threat.
I don’t mind the lack of diversity so much because the mobs are mechanically different in most cases rather than being a bag of hp with level appropriate damage. Stalkers stealth+pounce, Drakes breath X with that big chargeup, skelk stealth all the time, the various dredge, ghosts, svanir, trolls, etc. all have their own little mechanics you have to look out for. I think if more diverse enemies are added, their mechanics need to be diverse as well to fit in with the way mobs work currently.
Like, when I was leveling, and I saw a new sort of troll, I knew, instantly, that I should watch out for some sort of big AoE, and some sort of disable, because all the other types of trolls have both of these. The new troll was consistant with that expectation, although his AoE and disable were different in effect from the other types of trolls.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Both of you guys are defenetly right. But you have to admit its always awesome to have your first encounter with an amazing looking monster. For the sakes of it, sometimes just some eyecandy is cool. Like the huge wurms, some other big easy mobs would be great.