Diving Goggles+Tunneler animation

Diving Goggles+Tunneler animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: YSBT.7843


Ever since the diving goggles were introduced I’ve been hoping for a proper diving animation- with the release of the Tunneler device, we (almost) have one.

I suggest merging the diving animation present in the Tunneler device with the Diving Goggles so that you can be seen properly diving off of something, perhaps via an additional skill available before the jump.

Co-Leader of the Charter Vanguard Guild on Henge of Denravi.
Recruitment Status: Closed.

Diving Goggles+Tunneler animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Great idea, would fit really well! Also I’d like some more new diving locations as well!

Diving Goggles+Tunneler animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


How about town clothing swimsuits with built-in diving animations.

Diving Goggles+Tunneler animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Makarei.4316


how about summon swimming pool? and decorate with diving board. Is there anyway to get my own house in guildwars 2. sorry for going off topic.

(edited by Makarei.4316)

Diving Goggles+Tunneler animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skar Hand.5037

Skar Hand.5037

Only if I can stand at the base of the jump and have a skill that allows me to hold up a white card with 2.5 on it.

I need to be able to dodge and leave a clone behind at work/home.