Dodge Trick.

Dodge Trick.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


I’m not sure if I was the only one using this trick, but with a well timed dodge, you could preform a combo of your basic attack (1) and dodge while remaining in combat and completing the full chain of attacks. I used this with my thief with “felines grace” making me a some sort of “dodge tank.” I also was able to preform this trick with my alt which is a mesmer, so I know it was possible with every class. After this latest update, I noticed I can no longer do it, but why? Anet please give me a response. Has anyone else noticed this trick? Did you guys remove it thinking that no one would notice? I was planning on making a video about it soon, but now I can’t >.< Anyway hope I get some responses on this . . .