Does anyone else want to throw spears?

Does anyone else want to throw spears?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hafgar.2965


Here go the personal reasons (if you don’t care about my opinion, just go to the generic reason):
I really liked and still like the paragon in gw1, not for the support capabilities, but because of the throwing spears. And i would really like thrown spears added to gw2 (in land combat, water combat is fine as it is imo) I have no problem with waiting until next expansion for such a weapon type and couldn’t care less if it doesn’t come with the paragon class, which i believe won’t be added.

And the generic reason:
Spears were the mostly used weapons in ancient greek warfare, both as thrown weapons (like i suggest for land combat) and melee weapons (as it is underwater right now). They were a cheap, easily made and used weapon, plus they penetrated even the strongest armor if used well. So, as we already have melee spears underwater, it would be nice to add throwing ones in land combat.

So, if you want spears to be ranged weapons usable in land combat as well as underwarer melee weapons, please say so.

EDIT: I think the first, although not the only, profession to have thrown spears should be the warrior. If you want any specific class to also have them if added, feel free to say so.

(edited by Hafgar.2965)

Does anyone else want to throw spears?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nitross.6987


I think throwing spears would be nice to have for any fan of the Paragon fighting style. A Warrior or Guardian with throwing spears and shouts would bring back that style without requiring a whole new class.

If making a weapon usable on both land and underwater is too complicated, we could instead have a “Javelin” classs of weapon.

- Fort Aspenwood -

Does anyone else want to throw spears?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Puru.4217


They might aswell make spear guns and spear useable on land. But yeah i really hope spears (one handed or two handed) is one of the weapon the will add later on.

It’s not my fault if S/P is not popular !!!