Done talking about this idea
You already had a thread about this, why did you make another?
Edit: Also, my opinion of this is still the same: an absolute no. Such a drastic overhaul is unnecessary and detrimental to the game, as what we currently have is great.
That said, I have nothing against a simple toggle for those who would rather see colours instead of levels. This would forego the rest of the proposed suggestions.
(edited by Cinder.4865)
I really don’t see the point in this at all. Okay, my level is hidden. Oh, I have 50 trait points, I must be level 60.
I changed to idea based on that thread. And posted a new version of it that’s easier to understand. Got a problem with that?
I really don’t see the point in this at all. Okay, my level is hidden. Oh, I have 50 trait points, I must be level 60.
Traits should be downscaled some too.
The point is to one day have a game without level. Where you play for fun and not to grind for exotic gear that does not improve your character much.
I really don’t see the point in this at all. Okay, my level is hidden. Oh, I have 50 trait points, I must be level 60.
Traits should be downscaled some too.
The point is to one day have a game without level. Where you play for fun and not to grind for exotic gear that does not improve your character much.
Uh… no?
I like levels, i like getting new gear and levels as they are are insignificant.
in PvE who’s going to look at your level? the NPC mobs? How will you know if you can enter a raid, or how will others know you wont simply just drag them down and constantly die in a fight. there is nothing wrong with levels and I wonder why these ideas even came up.
Traits should be downscaled some too.
And how would you do that? Make you reset your traits every time you go to a new zone?
The point is to one day have a game without level. Where you play for fun and not to grind for exotic gear that does not improve your character much.
Okay, but hidden level and no level are completely different things. And I can tell you this game isn’t ever going to be a no-level game. There is no way it ever feasibly could. They would have to redesign almost the entire game from scratch. So if you want a game without levels, quite frankly, Guild Wars 2 is not the game for you. As I pointed out in your first thread, you may want to try Ultima Online.
New gear you use will have better stats. The color/symbol on the gear tells you if you can use it.
Dungeons with auto scale you down.
In PvE who’s going to look at your level? Players will see if you weaker or stronger based on the color/symbol.
the NPC mobs? You can tell their strength compared to yours with the color/symbol.
Traits should be downscaled some too.
And how would you do that? Make you reset your traits every time you go to a new zone?
The point is to one day have a game without level. Where you play for fun and not to grind for exotic gear that does not improve your character much.
Okay, but hidden level and no level are completely different things. And I can tell you this game isn’t ever going to be a no-level game. There is no way it ever feasibly could. They would have to redesign almost the entire game from scratch. So if you want a game without levels, quite frankly, Guild Wars 2 is not the game for you. As I pointed out in your first thread, you may want to try Ultima Online.
This is the same system with a skin over top of it.
There are maybe only 10 players in 1-15 zones on my server. Because high level players think they need to be in Orr.
Frankly, you should have modified the first post of your original thread and made posts pointing out you had done so. Abandoning the thread in favour of another that is, essentially, the exact same thing just looks like you were trying to abandon the negative press that came with the original suggestion.
I’m sorry, but nothing’s changed, this is not a feasible “evolution” for the game, nor is it one that improves upon the current features. It caters to what is likely, in my opinion, a very narrow subset of players that would likely be better served by finding a game that already offers this.
I’m just baffled by the idea of replacing a number with a colour and then arguing that it’s better because it’s the same thing, only now your level is a colour, and we now have to redo all these features that work fine. It’s… well, it’s inane, to say the least. =/
This is the same system with a skin over top of it.
There are maybe only 10 players in 1-15 zones on my server. Because high level players think they need to be in Orr.
That is not the game’s fault, nor is it something that your proposed suggestion will fix — as was already mentioned at least twice in your last thread.
(edited by Cinder.4865)
People are stuck in this mindset that they must get to endgame content and only play end game content. But this game is not designed for that. It’s designed for the whole game to be played at level 80. But people look at this stupid level number and think they should only be in those areas.
People are stuck in this mindset that they must get to endgame content and only play end game content. But this game is not designed for that. It’s designed for the whole game to be played at level 80. But people look at this stupid level number and think they should only be in those areas.
And, as I’ve said, your suggestion will not fix that. Players will find the absolute “best” area to be in, then they will all go there. ANet has incentivized and given gentle encouragement for returning to lower level zones. If players choose not to, no one is at fault but the players, because they refuse to abandon a particular mindset — or they truly enjoy the area for what it is, in which case they are not to be blamed.
Long story short, though: you are not forced, in any way, to personally stick to the level 80 zones. Play elsewhere, find others that like to do so as well, create a guild centered around doing group content in myriad areas, etc. You have the power and tools to make this a non-issue, it’s your responsibility, so get to.
tl;dr: it isn’t about a number, it’s a matter of time/effort input to reward output and what is fun to each individual player.
(edited by Cinder.4865)
Hiding the level number will not change anything imo. Players already look at stats on gear. All you’re doing is hiding information about mobs that would be beneficial to the player, purely on the assumption that the level number is the root of all evil. it isn’t.
It’s not a terrible idea but would be more suited for a game that was designed around the concept.
Why even bother writing/suggesting this? The leveling system won’t be replaced… period..
People are stuck in this mindset that they must get to endgame content and only play end game content. But this game is not designed for that. It’s designed for the whole game to be played at level 80. But people look at this stupid level number and think they should only be in those areas.
On the contrary, the game ISN’T designed for the whole game to be played at level 80.
Let me ask you a question: At level 80 where do you get the most level appropriate crafting mats? That’s right: Cursed Shore and Frost Gorge Sound.
How is this question relevant? Well, if crafters want to make items for themselves they either buy it from the TP or farm it themselves. Which puts them in the 80 zones. If people want to make money, they will inevitably try to sell the highest level / best quality gear.
Now, IF crafting required lower end mats as well…well that might change things just a bit. But not change things altogether mind you. Because people could still buy the mats from the TP.
The fact is that whether you like it or not, the game hasn’t actually been designed with the Utopian “play everywhere and you’ll get level appropriate rewards” design in mind. Don’t get me wrong, in certain circumstances it does stick to that notion. But in others, it doesn’t.
And removing the level number from view will not change anything in that regard. All you are suggesting is substituting a numeric system with one based on symbols and colours. Nothing actually changes. The mindset is STILL about getting better gear, which is precisely what it should be about.
An informed playerbase is happier than one that is kept in the dark.
(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)
People are stuck in this mindset that they must get to endgame content and only play end game content. But this game is not designed for that. It’s designed for the whole game to be played at level 80. But people look at this stupid level number and think they should only be in those areas.
People stick to high level areas not because they have a high level number, but because they offer better reward. The level number has little or nothing to do with it.
Once you get your high level gear, what do you do them?
Here are some other ideas you might agree with.
*High level recipes should include some low level crafting mats
*High level drops for downscaled players need to happen more often
Make karma vendors also collector vendors
*Offers rewards if you bring them what they want.
*If for a silver fee would make it a cash sink.
*Npc asks for: items + fee to make it a cash sink.
*Should be unlocked
*Some might require items more than one zone.
*Collector NPC ask for trophies
Once you get your high level gear, what do you do them?
Here are some other ideas you might agree with.
*High level recipes should include some low level crafting mats
As mentioned earlier, this is something I agree with.
*High level drops for downscaled players need to happen more often
Well SOME DE’s already do this (e.g. the large boss fight in the swamp in the human area). But yes, more DE’s rewarding “level appropriate” rewards would be better as it would further encourage players of ALL levels to visit any zone they choose.
Make karma vendors also collector vendors
*Offers rewards if you bring them what they want.
*If for a silver fee would make it a cash sink.
*Npc asks for: items + fee to make it a cash sink.
*Should be unlocked
*Some might require items more than one zone.
*Collector NPC ask for trophies
Such a suggestion isn’t rigidly tied to your original arguments, which is good. In other words, they could implement such a suggestion, thus finding a “solution” to the “problem”, without affecting the level number system in the way you originally suggested.
As I’ve always said:
More good quality gameplay options = happier playerbase.
(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)
Once you get your high level gear, what do you do them?
Here are some other ideas you might agree with.
*High level recipes should include some low level crafting mats
*High level drops for downscaled players need to happen more oftenMake karma vendors also collector vendors
*Offers rewards if you bring them what they want.
*If for a silver fee would make it a cash sink.
*Npc asks for: items + fee to make it a cash sink.
*Should be unlocked
*Some might require items more than one zone.
*Collector NPC ask for trophies
I could get behind the first two things there. Not sure about collector vendors, as those tend to promote farming which is something that arenanet is trying to prevent (or so they said).
In any case, that’s another thread, as it doesn’t have much to do with this one.
Once you get your high level gear, what do you do them?
Here are some other ideas you might agree with.
*High level recipes should include some low level crafting mats
*High level drops for downscaled players need to happen more oftenMake karma vendors also collector vendors
*Offers rewards if you bring them what they want.
*If for a silver fee would make it a cash sink.
*Npc asks for: items + fee to make it a cash sink.
*Should be unlocked
*Some might require items more than one zone.
*Collector NPC ask for trophiesI could get behind the first two things there. Not sure about collector vendors, as those tend to promote farming which is something that arenanet is trying to prevent (or so they said).
In any case, that’s another thread, as it doesn’t have much to do with this one.
Some people miss the traditional quests. Also collector NPC are in the first Guild Wars. They will also just you something to does while waiting for events it the area. It also gives trophies a new use.
If you combine this with more high level dops for downscaled players. It could be very profitable.
You already had a thread about this, why did you make another?
Edit: Also, my opinion of this is still the same: an absolute no. Such a drastic overhaul is unnecessary and detrimental to the game, as what we currently have is great.
That said, I have nothing against a simple toggle for those who would rather see colours instead of levels. This would forego the rest of the proposed suggestions.
Exactly this, 1. it’d be a toooon of work for 2. a completely inferior system when 3. the devs have already put in so much work for a system that works great.
I didn’t think they would really do it. This post was more to convince people a no level game can work.
You already had a thread about this, why did you make another?
Edit: Also, my opinion of this is still the same: an absolute no. Such a drastic overhaul is unnecessary and detrimental to the game, as what we currently have is great.
That said, I have nothing against a simple toggle for those who would rather see colours instead of levels. This would forego the rest of the proposed suggestions.
Exactly this, 1. it’d be a toooon of work for 2. a completely inferior system when 3. the devs have already put in so much work for a system that works great.
You could choose not to do it.
2nd the perfect mmo would be a mix of the new and old.
If you are playing event you will have some items you do not want. That don’t sell for much. But if you go to a collector npc. He might have something cool to give you for your junk.
The point is to one day have a game without level. Where you play for fun and not to grind for exotic gear that does not improve your character much.
Already exists. It’s called Team Fortress.
I didn’t think they would really do it. This post was more to convince people a no level game can work.
Of course it can. It already has, in Ultima Online. But your suggestion here has nothing to do with a no level game, it’s just obfuscation.
When I played GW1 I turned off my xp tracker so I would never know how close I was to the next level – that way it never distracted me from just playin’ ta play. In this game I never look at it, really, so’s the same difference. (haven’ looked ta see if I can hide it)
I got so used ta the lvl 20 cap idea (where you’d cap 1/20th or less through the game) with GW1 that leveling isn’t much of a concern for me when I play this game either … that philosophy stuck. That said … it’s kinda nice jus’ ta know, when ya wanna know. I remember doin’ the math on my main in the first game once, jus’ ta get an idea on where it’d be after playin’ so long – there was a certain excitement about the idea.
The only thing level really means in the game is it gates you outa high level areas until yer ready ta tackle them … never stops me from goin’ back and downleveling for the lower areas.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.