Dosteov Sky Peak Vista and Kickback off edge.

Dosteov Sky Peak Vista and Kickback off edge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alpha Bootis.2371

Alpha Bootis.2371

I’ve completed the story mode on my main character so now im just hunting around for map completion and i find getting the Dostoev Sky Peak Vista Point obnoxiously difficult. The route towards it is filled with Dredge among which about three vets. The follow distance is just silly and there really is no way of getting that Vista point without help.
Which brings me to the next point that has a big share in making this thing frustrating; if you try to kill everything en route you inevitably find yourself with dredge that can kick you back. Why can dredge kick me back off of an edge and thus killing me but I can’t return that favor to dredge?

I’m all for a challenge but i’m working on this singular vista point for well over half an hour now and it really stopped being fun after the fifth time i got kicked off of a ledge after kickback attack.

Just rushing too it doesn’t do it aswell as you can’t use a Vista in combat and everything follows you up to the final platform so you HAVE to kill everything before getting there…

Dosteov Sky Peak Vista and Kickback off edge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


I remember doing that. I got killed a lot too. Eventually I stealthed my way to the top (Mass Invisibility + Decoy as a Mesmer) and killed the three dredge that are there. Watch for the knockback attacks and dodge them, shouldn’t be too hard.

Dosteov Sky Peak Vista and Kickback off edge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mjvecellio.6342


I agree with original poster, this Vista is way to hard to get solo. I have tried 4 times with my guardian and since there was no one else going after the vista, had to solo all the way. What eventually got me, repeatedly was while I was fighting a Veteran Dredge, a wandering mining suit that patrols the catwalks came by and summoned 5, that is right 5, more dredge and with me stuck on the catwalk with nowhere to evade, I died pretty quick. They need to take out the gate that blocks the way, remove the patrolling mining suit and reduce the number of veterans along the path. Also, if I can’t knock the dredge off, they should not be able to knock me off.

Also, please for the love of god Anet, reduce the falling damage characters take. With how wonky the in game camera is and couple that with the really odd collision detection in the game, it spells recipe for death with the amount of falling damage a character takes. I understand you want there to be a challenge, fine, but between mobs rapid respawn and the game issues above, falling damage needs to be adjusted.

Dosteov Sky Peak Vista and Kickback off edge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alpha Bootis.2371

Alpha Bootis.2371

Good to know its not just me.
Agree with the proposed changes of beeing able to kick them off the ledge and reducing their numbers and/or strength and reduce falling damage.

(edited by Alpha Bootis.2371)

Dosteov Sky Peak Vista and Kickback off edge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I redid the vista the other day on a ranger. I don’t mind that the dredge can potentially knock me off, since it keeps me on my toes and looking what their skills are. What I do mind is the fact that I can’t repay them in kind with a kickback since they seem to have an invisible wall in place that only applies to them. So I’m 100% with the OP on that. Let us knock them off too.