Hi Guild Wars 2 staff! I would like to throw you a suggestion that feels like it’ll knock your guys socks out of the ballpark!
Lets get talking about it, then! I was sitting here on Guild Wars 2, talking to a friend in Skype, while playing, and wondering to myself, “I wonder if the team had any ideas about readding the dual-profession mechanic into Guild Wars 2?” Now, it got me to thinking about the whole idea about dual-professions. And I really ran with this idea; not too far, but far enough so that it feels like an expansive step from what was introduced in the original Guild Wars.
Without further comments, then, I’ll shoot this idea right at you guys!
My idea centers around the thought of professions being.. merged, rather than what was introduced in the original GW. What I mean by this, is that, take for instance, the Warrior and Elementalist professions; the Warrior centers around high powered melee attacks using Greatswords, swords, and otherwise; whereas the Elementalist relies on the four Elements to conjure up mighty weapons, protect themselves and allies, or to dish our monstrous bursts of flame, earth, and what-have-you — Now take these two relatively different classes and merge them together! This creates an Elemental based Warrior that (and this is where I’ll leave it up to your own imagination to do some work) uses the Elements and brute force to overcome obstacles. To clarify what I mean by this, I mean taking the Warrior’s ability “Charge” and merging it with an Elementalist ability — Such as “Cleansing Wave” — this creates an ability we’ll call “Restorative Burst”, where the character lunges forward healing allies and chilling foes in their path and in a, lets say, 600 radius of the target.
That, essentially, is the profession merging idea. This would be a new addition to the gaming community (I believe), and would further expand the character to make it much more deadly (and interesting!). Included in this, I would say that I thought there could be a new set of traits, and skills that are similar to the skill-merge that further progress the character like what we have now.
By now, I’m sure you’re wondering, “How would this idea make any sense in our expansive, and immersive game and community?” Well, I have an answer for you! The character (depending on base-profession and the sought secondary-profession) would pursue one of the three Orders: For Elementalist, Necromancer, and Mesmer, the character could seek out answers through the Durmand Priory and attain the knowledge needed to preform a minor ritual or some sort, if you would, to become blessed by the God that looms over the sought domain of magic; for Thief, Engineer, and Ranger, one could seek out the Order of Whispers, wishing to further their knowledge in the art of stealthy combat and damage from afar; Warrior and Guardian would rely on the Vigil, where the character could display their prowess in combat to further themselves into one of the two professions. Of course, any of these would be better thought up and rounded out by your team, rather than by myself!
A little bit of expansion further into the actual acquirement of the quest (per se) to seek out a profession, the character could pick up a Personal Story quest from their home location or simply have the quest added similarly to how personal stories are now. My idea was that at level fifty (50) the character would be able to begin the story to become this secondary-profession, allowing them to pursue other options in the game to help better prepare for the onslaught of Risen and otherwise that comes in later levels.
Anywho! That’s an idea I thought that I would submit to you guys! I understand if you don’t use it, you’re a large company with lots of ideas of your own! But, I thank you for taking the time to read this. If you wish to further seek out my idea or you would like me to flesh out a part of it that I happened to leave ambiguous, feel free to reply! Also please don’t hesitate with feedback! I’m just a guy with a weird imagination, if you don’t like parts about it, tell me!
Have a great day, everyone!
A very satisfied Guild Wars 2 Player
PS: I originally wrote this at around 3 AM, so, of course, there are going to be some weird parts of it, but I still think I got my point across!