Dual Spec/Templates and more

Dual Spec/Templates and more

in Suggestions

Posted by: RobinotX.1604


So here is my suggestion that is already been asked by more people. I am trying to put it in a spotlight back again. Anyways here I go…

In Guild Wars 1 we had the ability to respect at any time in a city or outpost via templates. The points where put where they should and you would automatically get the skills you should be using.

Guild Wars 2 works totally different then 1 so here is my idea how we could do this.
First we shall probably never get free respeccing. But maybe we can get a sort of items to be bought in the Gem Store or just a new mechanic we can use anywhere. That you can reset your points everywhere in the world. For the fee you normally have to pay that is. So that when in a dungeon you can switch to that trait you would need at that time. Or we look at the far other side and see what WoW gave us: Dual Spec. You could switch to two different builds at any time in a dungeon. If you can give us two sets this way we can bring up more roles and don’t need to put time in to respeccing everytime.

But wait, we also have armor what about that? Well give us a so called Equipment Belt which can hold 3 different sets of Weapon/Armor/Trinkets/Accesoires. You click it and you automatically wear that set. This way you can have a zerker set with you and two other sets your prefer for other content. For example I have both a Zerker and Rabid and set at this moment. But it is a sort of drag to keep switching between them. So this way you have a quick en convient way to do this.

Dual Spec/Templates and more

in Suggestions

Posted by: Traa.3079


I absolutely love the idea of the equipment belt.