Dual Trait speccing

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


Would anyone else like to see this? Personally I’d love the option.

There would obviously be a gold cost associated with it. When unlocked, at the top of your trait menu there will then be two trait tabs you can switch between wherever you are. The cost to switch can be equal to the normal reset cost.

This will just allow you the option of being able to switch between two builds as the need arise. For instance, at a dungeon entrance, you have your group, and as you start you find the group lacks some support. At least then you’ll have the option to switch out without having to stall the group.

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gizmo.8623


Along with option to switch equipment it’s very much wanted by me

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I want it as well.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: edjahman.9104


Dude. I wish. I’d but some gems for that option!

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


It would be nice but it’s a convenience thing. Let them sort out actual problems before this is considered IMO.

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


It would be nice but it’s a convenience thing. Let them sort out actual problems before this is considered IMO.

I would view this a problem, and shouldn’t take more than 1 dev to make this happen.

People should always have a dual spec option, and sucks wasting gold, because you want to do switch from support/dps role.

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


It would be nice but it’s a convenience thing. Let them sort out actual problems before this is considered IMO.

I would view this a problem, and shouldn’t take more than 1 dev to make this happen.

People should always have a dual spec option, and sucks wasting gold, because you want to do switch from support/dps role.

Based on your replies in other threads I’m not really going to waste my time debating with you. Suffice to say there are other problems that require more urgent attention than the ability to dual-trait.

As I said, it’s a convenience thing and I’d love to be able to switch to support / damage without having to go to a trainer. But there are more pressing issues that need to be addressed first.

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


the fact that you get offered to enter an instance when you get to the general zone, the fact that there are waypoints and even the mysts to get you to trainers in lion’s arch, the fact that major trait slots can be swapped without visiting a trait trainer, the fact that retraining traits is so ludicrously cheap even I can do it with a “loot cursed, permanent dr” account, says all i need to know.

No, please no, I don’t want this game to go “wow clone”

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


the fact that you get offered to enter an instance when you get to the general zone, the fact that there are waypoints and even the mysts to get you to trainers in lion’s arch, the fact that major trait slots can be swapped without visiting a trait trainer, the fact that retraining traits is so ludicrously cheap even I can do it with a “loot cursed, permanent dr” account, says all i need to know.

No, please no, I don’t want this game to go “wow clone”

Agreed. It’s like, what, 3s to re-do traits? It’s something that would certainly make life easier in game but as I said it’s not something I even think about or consider something the devs need to think about at this stage.

I do get a laugh at every thread suggesting things to make their play experience more like WoW, though. Especially the 100 “WTB MOUNTZ” threads that pop up daily.

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rikimeru Tokesbudz.3816

Rikimeru Tokesbudz.3816

no thanks. duel spec is not needed.

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: morrolan.9608


It would be nice but it’s a convenience thing. Let them sort out actual problems before this is considered IMO.

Its actually not a convenience thing. I mainly play mesmer or ele I both of which have quite different requirements depending on whether I’m with a small group or with a zerg and sieging. Spec for one and I’m noticeably worse of in the other situation.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


the fact that you get offered to enter an instance when you get to the general zone, the fact that there are waypoints and even the mysts to get you to trainers in lion’s arch, the fact that major trait slots can be swapped without visiting a trait trainer, the fact that retraining traits is so ludicrously cheap even I can do it with a “loot cursed, permanent dr” account, says all i need to know.

No, please no, I don’t want this game to go “wow clone”

How exactly will this turn the game into a “WoW clone”? I hate it when you suggest a feature that happens to be in WoW, people freak out and throw accusations that this would turn GW2 into a WoW clone.

Like others have pointed out, it would make the game a bit more convenient, which isn’t a bad thing, since there happens to be a number of items already in the game for convenience sake…
Moreover, swapping major traits on the fly isn’t always an option, because some traits that would aid your given situation aren’t always available in your given spec choice.

And saying that you can always go to the mists, or just waypoint out and go figure out your traits in LA, how is that even applicable here? I’m glad you’ve memorized all your traits, but some us need to go through them again to choose the best ones for your spec when we’ve reset our points. This game is supposed to allow quick role switches on the fly, and I’ve suggested a way to improve that. Calling your dungeon run to a halt halfway through, then porting out, waypointing to LA, reseting, mulling over your traits, waypointing back, and finally coming back in. This is anything but ‘on the fly’.

I agree there are larger issues at hand, but I also don’t see that as a reason to not suggest your ideas. There are people who’d like this feature, and I think it’s better to let ANet know this fact, rather than to remain quiet, just because the game has some larger flaws. If we all do that then how will they know about the smaller improvements that we’d like to have.

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


I would view this a problem, and shouldn’t take more than 1 dev to make this happen.

You REALLY believe that? no part of any coding should ever be done by a single person only, if you do coding by a single person the chance of an error somewhere that can screw up a lot of stuff (specially in a game as big as this) would be HUGE

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


no thanks. duel spec is not needed.

I agree. It’s certainly not needed at all.

Dual Trait speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Swagg.9236


I actually made a post about this already:

Not to say that this topic doesn’t need more publicity, though. Mine’s also a little long-winded. To be concise, all I’ll say here is that GW1 did it. GW2 promised the good from GW1 in a fully persistent world. Paying to use my traits and then paying again just to change them around a bit is just another slap across my already very red face.

My suggestion was also a dual-speccing system. It feels like it would be the most balanced for the game given its level of world persistence.