Duel and inspect
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I “disagree” about inspect. You could have a choice between wanting to show or not your gear.
Now, duel, have to implement quickly as possible. Tired of entering empty rooms with friends to test different things, and stupids entering the room (I dunno why these plp join in room 2/16, srsly), for disturbing and talking **. So annoying.
(edited by Rauphz.2869)
why this game dosent have those thigns i dont get i i would love to duel whit my friends
and to see difrent gear on random people evry game got them i MEAN why we dont have that ?
Not every game has them.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
I don’t want someone discriminating against me just because I don’t meet their gear check. Do NOT add Inspect to this game.
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33
I hope neither of these things are added to the game, to be honest. They are both things that I don’t miss from WoW and all its clones.
If you want to duel go do SPvP join a room with your friends that is empty ( always at least 5 ) and enjoy.
Inspect is the worst Idea. Then you will have people saying… no your spec isn’t right and your gear isn’t right. Elitist are already bad enough with their wow mentality that Level and gear is greater than skill and their speeds runs are sad. Then you want to add a feature that intensify’s this even more?
I don’t want someone discriminating against me just because I don’t meet their gear check. Do NOT add Inspect to this game.
Agreed. Inspect would be a terrible idea for elitists who decide that just because they don’t spec to their standards, they can’t play. Sure specs play a part… But they don’t determine whether a player actually knows how to use them in combat.
I vote “No” to both for pretty much the same reasons already given.
I wish I could find it lookitsandrea.8531 but I can’t. Arena Net released a thing before the launch talking about Traits and builds. Unlike in WoW that state we have 792 options to spec your character, there is only really 3 ways to spec depending on what your doing.
Guild wars made it so there is not set better spec. Where one build works for one person, another build might work for you, and in the same light the first build may never work for you. The trait system is designed to customize to the players play style not the other way around.
Now with that said
There are particular traits you will need if your trying to do Mitigation. So your not going to ignore Toughness and Vitality if your planning to do a lot of mitigation, just like your not going to ignore healing if your planing on playing support heals. With that in mind beyond the obvious ones there is not right or wrong spec.
Inspect is unacceptable, we don’t need it.
Dueling is fine if:
- we get an auto deny option
- you don’t get any rewards for it
- you can’t duel in cities, dungeons, WvW or near (radius of 2400) a Waypoint
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
I wish I could find it lookitsandrea.8531 but I can’t. Arena Net released a thing before the launch talking about Traits and builds. Unlike in WoW that state we have 792 options to spec your character, there is only really 3 ways to spec depending on what your doing.
Guild wars made it so there is not set better spec. Where one build works for one person, another build might work for you, and in the same light the first build may never work for you. The trait system is designed to customize to the players play style not the other way around.
Now with that said
There are particular traits you will need if your trying to do Mitigation. So your not going to ignore Toughness and Vitality if your planning to do a lot of mitigation, just like your not going to ignore healing if your planing on playing support heals. With that in mind beyond the obvious ones there is not right or wrong spec.
I completely agree about there being no right or wrong spec. But… And although I have no experience with this personally, I am sure that there are elitists out there who are looking for a specific type of spec when adding a member to their party to do a dungeon.
I have been with groups before that say that toughness and vitality add very little to a character. My guardian specs this and she is usually the last one to be downed, or died, because I have specced this way. But… Still, people have their own preferences and that can certainly come into play with elitists. :P
Well yeah Elitist will always be around most of them will go to Noxxic.com or stand in front of a dungeon for ( usually lower level ones ) and spam GLF more must be 80 in all exotics for 45 minutes. When in reality they are doing this for a speed run, and yet if they just took the first 4 people and ran it they would have probably be done by the time they are going in. This is the mentality of some players and not realizing that they spend more time looking for people than just running the dungeon.
I had a situation when I was a 35 Guardian that a 80 Guardian told me once he saw my shield and sword that he would do the mitigation and for me to just use my off set. As he would live longer because he had better gear and was level 80 in AC exp. We argued about this for 5 minutes finally I just said fine he pulled up to the first boss and died about 13 times. I then asked you mind if I take a crack at the boss, his comment was that if I wished I could but I will die in less than 5 seconds. By the end of it I didn’t die once ankittenpt the boss on me the while time. Needless to say he got mad and reported me for hacking and left the dungeon.
Not sure why the system felt that
A bad word but there you are it is now kitten lol I love you Anet
I would love to see people use the Search function, but that will never happen either.
This message was brought to you by a Kitten who can see the Search Button
I think all guilds should use their influence to buy an arena instance!! So their guild members could duel for fun, and to honey their skills!!!! C’mon ANet, just think about it!!
I meant: a guild could buy an arena instance
If you want to duel go do SPvP join a room with your friends that is empty ( always at least 5 ) and enjoy.
Inspect is the worst Idea. Then you will have people saying… no your spec isn’t right and your gear isn’t right. Elitist are already bad enough with their wow mentality that Level and gear is greater than skill and their speeds runs are sad. Then you want to add a feature that intensify’s this even more?
And when others peoples join in rooms? Always, ALWAYS, it happens. This is very annoying. And always cause disturb, even asking to go out with education. Honestly, duel is a nice system (clone or not, I don’t care), mainly in dungeons (waiting friends hehe).
How I said before, inspect could choose between wanting or not to show your gear.
NO DUELS AT ALL PLEASE-this is an mmo not a fighting game I do not want some player that is begging for an ego boost, keep spamming duel on me when I am busy PLAYING AN MMO.
NO INSPECTS PLEASE-I do not want somebody judging me on what gear I am wearing. I rather them see that GW2 is not my first rodeo, regardless of my gear.
Gear inspection just fuels the elilist jerks. Want elilist jerks then my’s well go back to WoW.
If you want to duel go do SPvP join a room with your friends that is empty ( always at least 5 ) and enjoy.
Inspect is the worst Idea. Then you will have people saying… no your spec isn’t right and your gear isn’t right. Elitist are already bad enough with their wow mentality that Level and gear is greater than skill and their speeds runs are sad. Then you want to add a feature that intensify’s this even more?
And when others peoples join in rooms? Always, ALWAYS, it happens. This is very annoying. And always cause disturb, even asking to go out with education. Honestly, duel is a nice system (clone or not, I don’t care), mainly in dungeons (waiting friends hehe).
How I said before, inspect could choose between wanting or not to show your gear.
Than get 18 of your guildies and go and sign up. My guild does this everyday and has no problems either be it with 4 players or 16 we are usually in there for a good 45 minutes before anyone joins our lobby.
Play tested and approved
If you want to duel go do SPvP join a room with your friends that is empty ( always at least 5 ) and enjoy.
Inspect is the worst Idea. Then you will have people saying… no your spec isn’t right and your gear isn’t right. Elitist are already bad enough with their wow mentality that Level and gear is greater than skill and their speeds runs are sad. Then you want to add a feature that intensify’s this even more?
And when others peoples join in rooms? Always, ALWAYS, it happens. This is very annoying. And always cause disturb, even asking to go out with education. Honestly, duel is a nice system (clone or not, I don’t care), mainly in dungeons (waiting friends hehe).
How I said before, inspect could choose between wanting or not to show your gear.
Than get 18 of your guildies and go and sign up. My guild does this everyday and has no problems either be it with 4 players or 16 we are usually in there for a good 45 minutes before anyone joins our lobby.
Play tested and approved
Tested and reproved. 6/10 and other players continue join. Srsly, its so annoying.
Look I seriously don’t think we need duels in the game to boost ones ego, now with that said the mention of Guild Halls being introduced at some point in the future will probably give you this ability as it did in GW1.
People just need to learn to be patient
For all you players crying about Duels, well you got your wishes, you just wont be massed in front of Lions Arch or DR or any other major city doing it
I want to see dueling but limit to outside towns and selected areas in cities "training areas, arenas.
People who are 100% against this are selfish because it can be done in a way that doesn’t affect anything.
@Onshidesigns.1069 did you even click on that link, you are getting the ability to duel in a private Arena please please read what information others are posting for your benefit
Duels: Yes. I dont’ get why we shouldn’t be allowed to friendly spar with a friend just for fun.
Inspect: No. Gear checks are food for elitism.
I have periodically played LOTRO which has both of these features. I am extremely pleased they do not exist in GW2.
If you want to spar with somebody, go to the single player PvP zone; that is its purpose. When you allow sparring in any given location people will almost always attempt to set up matches in the most visible areas possible (because they crave an audience), and this inevitably creates severe lag for those who simply need to traverse the area. In my view, those who insist on sparring in the most populated spots they can find are, in fact, the selfish ones.
As to the possibility of inspecting others, just no, there is already enough elitism creeping into this game, we don’t need to encourage it further.
/Categorically unsigned on both suggestions
I have periodically played LOTRO which has both of these features. I am extremely pleased they do not exist in GW2.
If you want to spar with somebody, go to the single player PvP zone; that is its purpose. When you allow sparring in any given location people will almost always attempt to set up matches in the most visible areas possible (because they crave an audience), and this inevitably creates severe lag for those who simply need to traverse the area. In my view, those who insist on sparring in the most populated spots they can find are, in fact, the selfish ones.
As to the possibility of inspecting others, just no, there is already enough elitism creeping into this game, we don’t need to encourage it further.
/Categorically unsigned on both suggestions
Is this why people have obviously been ignoring the information I linked to them from the official Guildwars 2 site. Because Arena Net has giving them Duels, just not in an open public area? I am inclined to go wit they just want the attention
I have periodically played LOTRO which has both of these features. I am extremely pleased they do not exist in GW2.
If you want to spar with somebody, go to the single player PvP zone; that is its purpose. When you allow sparring in any given location people will almost always attempt to set up matches in the most visible areas possible (because they crave an audience), and this inevitably creates severe lag for those who simply need to traverse the area. In my view, those who insist on sparring in the most populated spots they can find are, in fact, the selfish ones.
As to the possibility of inspecting others, just no, there is already enough elitism creeping into this game, we don’t need to encourage it further.
/Categorically unsigned on both suggestions
Is this why people have obviously been ignoring the information I linked to them from the official Guildwars 2 site. Because Arena Net has giving them Duels, just not in an open public area? I am inclined to go wit they just want the attention
I suspect it probably is the desire for attention. People asked countless times in the LOTRO forums for sparring to be in designated areas and instances only, and the uproar against it from those wanting to be seen while flexing their virtual muscle was substantial.
Hahaha I approve the previous post