agreed, duels are fun as hell. And staking items makes it interesting.
Awesome idea about the itens. Agree with duels!
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness
I am greatly in favor of a dueling feature in Guild Wars 2. Ideally, characters should be able to duel in all areas outside of major cities.
I think an excellent addition to the dueling feature would be a colosseum in Lion’s Arch where people can duel other players in lobbies (or their friends) and stake gold against eachother, as Azguard was saying! (:
And Arena matches should be open to both viewing and spectator betting.
As long as there is also a feature to turn duel invitations off so that they are never sent to you. Because I know a lot of people don’t want to see them, and frankly I don’t want to be bugging someone who’s got no interest.
That would be fun to stop in at LA waiting for some mats on the TP to sell and betting on matches. Or to fight a friend who has been bad mouthing you all day kinda thing.
I would also support duelling. There should be an option to turn off invites to dual so you never have to put up with those if you don’t want to, but I think it would be awesome to be able to duel, especially your friends. Plus, Anet seems to be obsessed with making player characters so obnoxious and arrogant due to the voiced dialouge, that it would totally be in character to duel others.
Dueling would be fun. Only request I would have is that they are done in a specific area/arena like a previous poster mentioned as opposed to just wherever you get the urge to fight. It’s rather annoying to be in a vendor/bank/crafting area or out at a questing location/hub and have people running around fighting each other.
I want to dual a friend of mine. Keeps saying hes 80 to get me to play my game (I’m working on college right now) and comes up as not 80. Want this badly so I can knock him down a few pegs.
I totaly agree with you, I dont get it why there is no dueling. And at some severs, atleast on the one im playing i cant join a Server(room) in Heart of the mist, not if i wanna go 1vs1, beacuse when i can be online, there is never a emty room, and that keep anoying me. If anyone from arenet are watching this, PLEASE fix both duel in the open world and a place where u can go and fight your friends, or a enemy to prove u are the better one, without having someone to join the room/server and just mess it all up. Thank you.
Add an option to block them, otherwise no deal.
I really hated it in WoW when some (insert profanity of your choice) challenged you 10 times in a row, forcing you to ignore him.