Dueling & Inspection

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: jzgrab.4098


Add dueling between players and a new option when right clicking someone, which would be INSPECT. Lets you see his gear.

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: AidenWalker.2019


Especially the gear inspect option. On a similar note, being able to preview items on the Trading Post would be helpful to people who take the look of gear into consideration as much as the stats.

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mazic.5173


I totally agree! even tho i dont feel like dueling is such an important thing i still want to be able to! but the inspecting option is a must!

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


Only if there’s an toggle that prevents other players from inspecting you if you don’t want them to.

It’s my gear, not yours. You don’t get to see what I’m wearing. None of your business, unless I choose to show you.

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yoshinaro.3815


I agree with raphaeldisanto that im not keen on people inspecting me i would also like an option to disable it if they bring the inspect option

No Gods Or Kings Only Norn

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wesley.4590


Inspectation would be nice, it’s pretty annoying to link all your gear in the chat. Ofcourse their should also be a hide option.
Dueling would be fun too, also if there is an option to auto-decline invitations to reduce spam invites.


Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


No inspection please. It promotes elitism and clones.

Dueling, no – just go to sPvP if you want to test your skill.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


I’m raphaeldisanto and ninjaknight, all inspecting gear does is have others judge your gear and less your skill, giving them a reason to shut you out of aspects of the game.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Janx.3192


No inspection please. It promotes elitism and clones.

Dueling, no – just go to sPvP if you want to test your skill.

1. You will be able to have the option to share or not to share..Believe me if someone want to be your clone he will be at no time..and
2.About dueling,i dont ge it really..why dont we have the option to duel with our friends or our guildmates or even a stranger… u know that kind of options are improving the social system around u.
For the name of mmos make gw2 mmo..

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lumines.3916


I don’t understand the negativity surrounding inspection. The same people that use it to judge you are the same people that you shouldn’t group with. They will group with other “jerks” while you can group with your friends.

Plus if you have a well thought out build and know your class well, you would be okay even IF they inspect you. What matters is your knowledge and ability with the class and part of that IS your gear choice. The only thing this would do is encourage and help people with gearing choices.

I for one am pretty tired of dealing with Greatsword Heros in full Berserkers gear that CAN’T PULL IT OFF I’m not saying you can’t be successful with it. But in explorable modes where mistakes are more unforgiving, I don’t want to be ressing a plate every pull because he has less toughness than our Elementalist. Doesn’t matter if you have “CRAZY CRITS” if you’re dying left and right.

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zlociutki.9165


Duels sounds great. Would be fun to fight with friends or guildmates.
Inspection – no.

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chackan.2813


+ 1 for duelling! Been waiting for it since GW1 lol

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


+1 for duelling… even group dueling would be really, really fun…
Even if it’s just allowed in some areas or better… in guild’s halls !! (can you imagine a free for all with all your guildies? would be EXTREMELY fun!)

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jordan.6157


I don’t mind inspection as long as it is only gear and not traits. I spend alot of time making my traits as unique as possible to my play style so I can have an advantage over people in pvp who don’t invest the time in their profession but to have people copy it would make me sad. Not saying anyone would anyway. But an option to toggle showing gear or not is a must.

Dueling is one of the best things that could come to the game at the moment. I hate to bring other games into it but dueling in things like WoW and Rift was a really good way to pass the time if you waiting to do something or even if there is nothing good on television.

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: LED Head.2439

LED Head.2439

Strongly agree with thread title and comments about the preview option in TP.

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


No inspection please. It promotes elitism and clones.

Dueling, no – just go to sPvP if you want to test your skill.

1. You will be able to have the option to share or not to share..Believe me if someone want to be your clone he will be at no time..and
2.About dueling,i dont ge it really..why dont we have the option to duel with our friends or our guildmates or even a stranger… u know that kind of options are improving the social system around u.

Cloning with effort I don’t mind. However when someone can simply stop next to you and copy your outfit which you spent hours searching the net to design, that is wrong.

Also, much of my gear is Transmuted, so the specs are not = to the skin.

So no inspection please of any kind.

As for dueling I don’t really care as much about this but it should be kept out of certain areas. For example central Lions Arch and Ministers Waypoint in Divinity’s reach. Can you imagine how awful the environment would be if multiple duels were going on with AOE effects?

The best place for duels would probably be in the sPvP training area (problem there is you can’t keep your original gear and level) or the unopened arena areas.

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ukie.8617


+1 on Dueling
-1 for Inspection

Dueling & Inspection

in Suggestions

Posted by: SousaBoy.5183


If there’s going to be dueling, I’d say just allow it in a small arena in Lion’s Arch. It had a big part to do with the Edge of Destiny story, so it would fit in lorewise, and people couldn’t spam you with duel challenges all the time since it’s limited to that one area.
*Another place to duel could be the Bane in the Black Citadel.