Dueling in the game world.

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ruj.1549


Why dueling in the PVE zones? They are BEAUTIFUL, they are VAST, and they hold a lot of LORE. Server politics and territory are crucial pieces to RP, and RP-PVP is a great logical next step up from that. I’m sorry, but as someone had mentioned earlier, if you run into a rival guild that plays on the same server, that you interact with in character all day long, why should you be forced out of the zone in order to settle your dispute? Why shouldn’t you be allowed to fight it out then and there once you’ve exchanged all the words you possibly can before the story/plot dictates that a fight would break out? I mean COME on… Chars holding hands with humans is bad enough. Let’s not even mention how awesome and immersive it is to see a scuffle between rival guilds unfold before you out in the open world. It doesn’t effect you if you aren’t involved in it, and with a properly implemented “Ignore duel request” feature that blocks the request, and also lets the other player know you aren’t interested, the whole ‘spam’ argument is moot. I mean the people who would spam request you and say “duel me, chicken kitten” are the same people that say “Come to the mists and lobby, chicken kitten” … there’s NO difference. Don’t want to watch people fight? Don’t watch. Nobody is forcing you to watch, the world is massive. There’s also no collision detection, so it’s not like they are getting in your way at all. It’s like running through players fighting mobs. A 1v1/group duel function can do nothing but improve the gaming experience, ESPECIALLY for those of us who love RP and immersion. I mean HELL… let’s even add the option to duel an entire group by yourself. A warning box could pop out when you initiate stateing very bluntly “So and so’s party outnumbers you, are you sure you wish to continue?”. Bam! Even MORE RP options unfold.

This whole “I don’t want to see it or hear about it” attitude is selfish, and only serves to segregate communities instead of bring them together in a seamless fashion. I, and others of like mind(EVERY RPer on Tarnished Coast that I have spoken to feels the same way) should NOT be made to feel like pariahs just because a minority of players feels that a duel out in the middle of the wilds in a non PVP zone, that is consensual, does not belong in THEIR game. Sorry, but you’re not the only ones playing this game. There may be WvW, but this is not designed for the type of skirmish we are asking to be permitted. I just don’t get some of you people… Really. Also, throwing down vs a rival guild out in the open for RP sake, then being ported to a totally seperate instance for the actual fight is EXTREMELY bad for immersion, and pretty much kills it. It also excludes ANYONE who may have happened by from joining in on the story themselves. More segregation, woohoo, right? Christ…

Illiad Baylock =-= Snowhawk Clan =-= [SHC]
Norn Thief -=- Tarnished Coast

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ruj.1549


[QUOTE=Vayne]It’s not really selfish to not want a bunch of 12 year olds challenging me to duels constantly. In the example from the poster above, he’s talking about a few people with a rivalry who would use duels a specific way. Why would anyone program something for that tiny minority, at the expense of everyone else.[/quote]
Well, firstly, it’s not a tiny minority. Secondly, it was one example of many where a duel function in the open world would add more depth to the game. Thirdly, as I stated, a simple “Ignore duel request” function would eliminate the spam, and the same 12 year olds you speak of who would challenge you verbally are still going to challenge you verbally, but in a different manner.

[QUOTE=Vayne]… but I’d be much happier if it didn’t happen just anywhere. And that’s not selfish, any more than wanting to have it is selfish. I think the real criteria is what percentage of the players will enjoy it, compared to the percentage of players it will annoy the hell out of.[/quote]

You’re right. In city hubs, for example, certain areas should be set aside for duels, complete with bleacher like structures for others to observe and enjoy. Open world, however, is a whole other situation. Where you say it is not selfish to demand it not be allowed in the greater world of Tyria beyond a lame instanced area, we’ll have to agree to disagree. I don’t expect you to port out of sight to fight an ice wurm, so why force us to port away to do what we enjoy away from content we like to do it in?

[QUOTE=Vayne]A compromise would be to have it, but have it in a specified area. Then those who want dueling can be happy and those who are annoyed by it are happy.[/quote]

Again, in city hubs sure, but why should we be forced out of common play areas that are wonderfully crafted because a few find consensual fights in the open world “unsightly”. It’s not hurting you, it’s not effecting your gameplay(no collision detection), and it’s not forced on you in any way. Don’t like to watch, don’t watch. Move along and do whatever it was that you were doing.

[QUOTE=Vayne]Selfish is when someone wants it all their own way. [/quote]

[QUOTE=Vayne]Everyone should be willing to compromise for the benefit of the community.[/QUOTE]


Illiad Baylock =-= Snowhawk Clan =-= [SHC]
Norn Thief -=- Tarnished Coast

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azulia.1745


In other games I have played, you had option in Character tab to auto decline duels automatically, so you never even got the request.

~Azabella~DragonBrand- Ministry of the Crescent Moon-

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ruj.1549


In other games I have played, you had option in Character tab to auto decline duels automatically, so you never even got the request.

Yes, and that is extremely easy to implement. The argument that is most commonly being used against a dueling feature is that a few do not want to even SEE it happen. My main problem with that is that this game world is massive, and there’s little to no need to have to segregate this feature at ALL. With no collision detection, it’s a total non-factor.

Illiad Baylock =-= Snowhawk Clan =-= [SHC]
Norn Thief -=- Tarnished Coast

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azulia.1745


Also in other games there was arenas in certain towns, very small areas, away from hustle and bustle that people could duel in.
I have never seen dueling making or breaking a game. Not sure what big deal is.

~Azabella~DragonBrand- Ministry of the Crescent Moon-

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ruj.1549


Ya totally. People want it for different reasons. These reasons range from variety, to training, to immersion… The list goes on. A lot of those who are against this feature seem to be the same lot that think PVP does not belong in MMOs at ALL, but personally I find that quite silly. Opinions folks? We all know the demand for it is here, but discussion is always good. Arena.net has already stated that it’s probably coming in the future, but limiting it to a segregated area off in the mists isn’t really what is being asked for by the player base, it’s what is being demanded by those who have no interest in using it.

Illiad Baylock =-= Snowhawk Clan =-= [SHC]
Norn Thief -=- Tarnished Coast

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


No dueling, please, Arenanet.

Edit: I went into the reason in another thread, not doing it again here, sorry.

(edited by DavidGX.1723)

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smash Girl Rosie.8349

Smash Girl Rosie.8349

I agree with Ruj 100%! Merely not wanting to -see- a duel happening is a pitiful argument against having them in such a massive, open world, as is worry over request spams… I’m all for enriching the game RP-wise as much as possible.

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ruj.1549


No dueling, please, Arenanet.

Please explain why you do not wish this feature to be brought into fruition. This isn’t for votes, it is for discussion. A simple “please no” does not explain your stance well enough to validate your desire. If no, why not?

Illiad Baylock =-= Snowhawk Clan =-= [SHC]
Norn Thief -=- Tarnished Coast

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Duels are fine with a default auto-decline option.
Duel kills should not have an effect on achievements or on death counter.
Duels should be allowed in every place and the spawning mobs should count on agro too. If you hit them they will attack too.
Duels should have an option to accept new contestants so it can be group based everyone for himself
Duels should have an option to abandon fight.

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ruj.1549


Good points. I think a radius for duels should be enforced as well. If you are out of range(pre-determined based on size of groups engaged in the duels) for a set amount of time, the duel will “break” automatically.

Also, in WvW zones, allow for duelers to be attacked by the opposing servers while engaged to prevent ’invincibility" runs straight through enemy lines. It only takes one jerk-weed to start a trend.

Illiad Baylock =-= Snowhawk Clan =-= [SHC]
Norn Thief -=- Tarnished Coast

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smash Girl Rosie.8349

Smash Girl Rosie.8349

One valid point I’ve seen against allowing 1v1 duels is that it would show the imbalance in 1v1 and people would complain and demand a fix. But if you can already duel in certain places this is kinda a moot point? I do think the idea of a group duel is pretty cool, though! Just lending my support to the thread, mostly. :P

Dueling in the game world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TAllstun.3081


As someone that has no real interest in dueling myself, I do think this would be a neat feature and would enhance the game for groups. Conflict is a natural part of human interaction – it seems only natural to carry this over into the game, especially with the number of safeguards discussed above for those that don’t wish to participate. And while I don’t RP, I could see how this would enhance that experience for those players as well.