

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tom Guise.4627

Tom Guise.4627

What’s your opinion on the implementation of duelling?

I personally would love to duel my friends whilst waiting in the WvW que but I can understand why duelling hasn’t been developed.

‘Oh lets check how good you are before BLAH BLAH, duel me…’ <— This situation is NOT what this game is about.

Whenever I play, I’m with my cousin and we specifically do WvW. It would be great to be able to try certain combos, rotations, etc out on each other. As we are only casual players I’d love to hear the thoughts of the GW2 community…


in Suggestions

Posted by: Easterlily.5836


It have been so much talking about a duelling system. I think Anet is positive to it but I dont think it’ll be like in WoW.

You always continue forward, but there will be curves before you reach the end of the road.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Antares.2586


It would be really a great addition to the game.
Some roleplay guilds would benefit from it as well.

To fix things, as the Charr who has just cross on your feet,
at the Divinity Reach, for exemple…

Just allow some witnesses, please, or put it in a Guild Hall (when it will be available), please


in Suggestions

Posted by: Chackan.2813


Just Right click on a user, “Duel”, he either accepts or denies that request! Also, let me disable or enable my availability to duel!


in Suggestions

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


According to the latest news on sPvP, this option will not be taken into consideration as it is :

Jonathan Sharp

Custom arenas are special PvP maps, rented by players, that will allow you to set up passwords, host scrims, and test strategies with your team. This will allow you to challenge other teams, work on your builds in secret, and test your skills 1-on-1 with friends. You can open the server up to everyone and set the map rotation you like best, or keep your arena password-protected so it serves as your private training ground.

True, this is not exactly the same as duelling in “the open-air” and against strangers, as it can be seen on other games.
My guess is they want to keep PvE areas simply as … PvE areas. Meaning a more friendly environnement than it could potentially be with duelling happenings everywhere.

Anyway I’m not sure how would Zaïthan react when seeing his foes fighting between themselves … does his primitive mind even acknoledge anything close to a maniacal laughter ?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Tom Guise.4627

Tom Guise.4627

Ah, I wasn’t aware of the custom arenas concept.

Sounds pretty good!