Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


Hello, i just wondering your reflections about these suggestions.
I really wants to see in game these features :

Duel : I want to make duel with my friend 1on1… there isnt option to make 1v1,2v2 pvp matches as you said previously.

I want to Inspect players armour,personal story,traits etc. Its funny when im with others players scaled down, and we cannot see our normal level. I want to see other players weapons and upgrades and normal lvl in scaled location !!!

In-game PING meter, i want to see if my internet connectivity fail of your server have long response.

Better LFG or Dungeon finder : Its too hard for solo players to find dungeon party. (or add looking for group chat channel)

Cash on Delivery Mail or Trade : I want to sell some stuff in chat, or in my guild for good price, there is no chance to sell things. No COD mail is really funny. So many scammers in every game so pls, add COD Mail !

More PvP modes !!

Minigame joiners in Mists

Anet said that they want to make social game, but, there isnt too much social options for players. It still puzzles me as to why these small staples of MMOs are not in Guild Wars 2.
thanks for reading, Please reply your opinion or next suggestions, and hope anet will read this thread.

(edited by Safire.9143)

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


Duels, sure! Just don’t allow them in capital cities for example. People fighting all around you while crafting or checking the bank is kind of distracting. Or add some dueling areas to cities, with spectator stands and all. That would be nice

Inspect, I can actually live without that. I actually like the fact that we cannot see exact HPs on enemies, and other information like that. It makes characters and mobs more of an actual creature, and not just some faceless numbers.

Yeah, a ping meter would help… I would like to know when there is lag, if my connection is having issues, or if it is more of a server side problem.

Some kind of LFG assist would be good. It does not have to be like the WoW one with many unnecessary features, but some tool to help looking for other people interested in the same dungeon, or parties forming up would be nice.

Actually, we need both. Personal trades, and cash on deliver options. No idea why they are not there.

More PVP modes, I would like to know in more details what you would like to see? Like point based only (kill count), or something like that?

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


Hello, thanks for reply.
PVP modes, i want to see modes like capture the flag,deathmatch, 2v2 battles etc

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jezath.7395


I would like to see an inspect option to look at peoples cool armor.. After this is implemented I would love the ability to inscribe items with a message

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rzep.4592


Duels, sure! Just don’t allow them in capital cities for example. People fighting all around you while crafting or checking the bank is kind of distracting. Or add some dueling areas to cities, with spectator stands and all. That would be nice

Id like duels everywhere, including dungeons. No artificial limits to where I can duel. Often you end up waiting for something and rather than alt+tab id rather be able to duel to kill the time. I don’t get distracted by other characters.

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Delhart.7891


i would like to see duels in GW2. it is a good way to test your pvp build in real fight.

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: HellSpawn.6408


I miss 2v2, 3v3

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Efyx.8926


I think there is already kind of “LFG” option but not enough people knows it. Press (Y) and you can change your status for LFG. You can see who is looking for group with the second or third bunton in (Y) menu. Like i said just few people using it. Players have to be inform of it, maybe during the tutorial.
It would be nice to have the option Group Look For.

Duel, 2v2 and 3v3 would be really nice.

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


Yes there is LFG option, but its really unusable… u cant fing group trought dungeon list etc, there are 2 players now… LFG needs list of dungeons,wvw etc…

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


I believe ping meter and inspect will arrive soon. But I’m quite sure that we will never, ever see 1v1 duels. Maybe 2v2 or 3v3, but no 1v1 because that will cause endless, eternal " blah class is OP!" talk which is boring and irritating.

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


I think, that devs wrote something about duels, but after lauch.
" blah class is OP!" will be there always

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deoxius.5964


Yes there is LFG option, but its really unusable… u cant fing group trought dungeon list etc, there are 2 players now… LFG needs list of dungeons,wvw etc…

To be honest i have never seen LFG option, where is it ?

But in face yes we need option like that, right now is spam all the way, and when you try to look for group you post like 3-4 times and then it bans you that you cant write in that chat anymore…….which is kind of bad.

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


for LFG type /lfg in chat or u can find it in social window (F)

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nyhm.3728


You know, I was surprised that there wasnt an inspect feature myself and was a little boggled that there wasn’t at first. Then it dawned on me, I am pretty sure this is intentional and I appreciate it NOT being there, at least to the extent of other games.

When you can inspect a player, you can then basically “judge” that players ability (despite how inaccurate your judgement may be) based on spec, gear, etc etc. This would cause eliteism or people only accepting others of a certain spec/gear lvl into content (think: dungeons). The purpose if im not mistaken is to help eliminate that, and let you play the character you want, instead of the “optimum build as decided by the intarwebs”.

I like experimenting and trying new ideas/skills/utilities/traits. At the same time, I dont like the idea of someone telling me I cant join them because THEY have determined that my build doesnt support whats considered “perfect” or I dont have XYZ gems in my upgrade slots or whatever.

The ability to inspect folks shouldnt allow for more than just the asthetic options IMO. If i see someone with a killer sword, and I inspect it, I should get the name of the weapon or somesuch, not the actual stats on the weapon.

Maybe not the concensus, but just the general idea I got from the lack of an “inspect” feature. If you cant inspect, you cant enforce a gearscore type restriction on others and instead forces them to prove their worth based on their ability to play the game, instead of what they wear. Which to me, fits with the general vision of what GW2 was always about anyhow.


Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


OK, but its also good to “judge” player.. i want to see if player is good and skilled for dungeon/pvp tournament…