Dungeon Gear Sell Back Timer

Dungeon Gear Sell Back Timer

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeveM.7913


I’ve read some threads with the Dev tracker were a certain dev destroyed the thread writer for purchasing the wrong item by accident when rushed, I won’t quote it since they lock the threads after the Dev makes the reply and I’m going to guess it’ll break some odd forum law to quote a Dev. Anyway, why does Arenanet have such strange attitude towards mistakes?

As an example, Warcraft give you a full hour to sell back a item to a vendor and regain the same currency back, whether it’s pvp or dungeon currency. Why doesn’t GW2 offer the same? GW2 doesn’t exactly have the best shop list to start with, why are vendors selling Light/medium/heavy/light/medium/heavy and so on? Why not have them in different tabs to start with?

Sometimes I feel like Arenanet are so stubborn and refuse to use any ideas from other MMO’s. There’s a reason why WoW is as big as it is, it’s taken the best bits from all new MMO’s out there and added it to their own.

I love GW2, I just wish the game to become better, hence any complaints made by me, I don’t complain to get rid of steam, I do so to hopefully get it improved. Sometimes it just feels like Arenanet refuse to implant things in the game because the MASSIVE minority might abuse it, whilst the vast majority would use it for it’s intention.

I named the title of this thread about dungeon gear because it’s one of the things I’d like to see changed and also what the thread was about that made me write this thread. Sometimes it feels like the Dev’s reply’s are Gods will and don’t you dare disagree with it.

Dungeon Gear Sell Back Timer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axvil.2839


Isn’t there a confirmation window already when buying dungeon gear?

Dungeon Gear Sell Back Timer

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeveM.7913


Isn’t there a confirmation window already when buying dungeon gear?

At the moment I do believe you get a window asking you if you’re sure.

Anyone that reads that and rechecks what gear they’re buying probably also read the code of conducts for everything they sign up for, the minority.

That system is just a silly protection for the developers to fall back on, it’s a bad one and does not help the customer.

Why are Light’s, Medium’s and Heavy’s not in their own merchant tab? Cutting corners is my guess. I find it very peculiar how the items are listed.

I do sometimes feel like GW2 was made for the developers enjoyment, and we, the customers are just along for the ride to supply them with enough money to keep their own enjoyment going, not to provide a enjoyable product for us rather than themselves.

Dungeon Gear Sell Back Timer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Panda.1967


This issue affects karma vendors too. I’ve bought the wrong item several times from karma vendors and in a few occasions bought the same thing 2 or more times by mistake.

Being able to sell back at original cost or even slightly less than purchase price would go a long ways to alleviating silly mistakes like this.

Please stop assuming I’m a guy… I am female.

Dungeon Gear Sell Back Timer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


I do sometimes feel like GW2 was made for the developers enjoyment, and we, the customers are just along for the ride to supply them with enough money to keep their own enjoyment going, not to provide a enjoyable product for us rather than themselves.

I get this, this is what it feels like 90% of the time and it makes me not want to play anymore, beta bugs are still prevelant too, it is ridiculous.

To the OP, I would imagine because there is achievements linked to the armor vendors they do not want you to buy one set, get achievements, resell, buy next set, etc. but that is only a guess. They would prefer you grind for weeks to afford the next set and then the next set and then…. you see where I am going with this.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”