Dungeon Group Finder Please!

Dungeon Group Finder Please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jcat.4021


I just think it would be awesome to have a dungeon group finder, some kind of tool to help find a group for dungeons (preferably including people from other servers). Is this a possibility?

Dungeon Group Finder Please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caelib.2497


It’s kind of hard to believe that MMOs launch without this feature … given the near complete failure of SWTOR, I’m not sure how ArenaNet decided to launch without one. Most players don’t want to stand around advertising in chat (especially when those chat channels have functionality that block you from advertising repeated messages/flood control — honestly, I’m not sure how QA passed this feature).

Also considering that this is sequel, how can the follow-up be missing such a big feature from the first game?

Personally, I think a lot more people who bought the game would still be playing if there had been one at launch. The server populations will slowly drain until this feature is added.

Dungeon Group Finder Please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


I agree, they should add this feature to the game.. but until then you can use http://gw2lfg.com/ to find dungeon groups

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend