Dungeon Society: an idea for a LFG tool

Dungeon Society: an idea for a LFG tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: mille.9867


i’ve come up with an idea to create an internal tool to find party for dungeons.
We have a cross-server guild system with a guild chat that is cross-server and cross-zone.
Starting from this i created a couple of guild to test this thing.

The guilds are:
Ascalonian Catacombs Society [AC]
Caudecus Manor Society [CM]
Sorrow Embrace Society [SE]
Honor of The Waves Society [HoTW]

Everyone interested in one of theese dungeon can join.
The system is simple
Are you looking to do an AC run? Rappresent AC guild.
Then you can use the chat and see who is rappresenting to start a party.
When your party is set you can go back rappresent your own guild.

Arenanet always stated that a dungeon finder tool ruins the community.
I think with a system like this nothing of that will happen.
It create a single community for every dungeon when people can meet, organize parties and discuss.

I’ve just started this so i need people to join and start using it.
The more people will start using it the more it’ll be functional.
Just mail me and i’ll be happy to add you.
Just specify the name to add and the dungeon so i can invite.
If the system works we can have a society for every dungeon (unfortunately i’ve reached the maximum limit)

Sorry for my poor english

Jorunnr Maelstrom

Dungeon Society: an idea for a LFG tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Wrong, Arena net never stated that a dungeon finder tool ruins the community. That was the community themselves that stated that.

Arena net stated that they may not have a dungeon finder tool but gave no reason for it.

If you want a lfgtool, go to gw2lfg.com.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Dungeon Society: an idea for a LFG tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: mille.9867


Yes probabily im wrong about this statement but seems that alot of people want a LFG tool.
Is not a real problem for me, cause i usually find people to play with.
gw2lfg.com is a good idea and i already used it, but is not implemented inside the game client.
So if people really need i’ve come up with this idea that (imho) is more pratical with direct communication.
I already did 4 guild: if people is interested will join…
If people is interested in other systems no problem: i was just trying to make something to help.

Dungeon Society: an idea for a LFG tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jam.4521


OP I like the idea, personally a lfg tool would be great.

My char is Jam the Bam in game, and Im looking to do HotW and CM.

Give me the invites and Ill play.