Dungeon Statistics
you are simply asking for a recount! and not im totally opposed to this. Because players use different styles.
on WOW type game, you have a tank a dps and an healer… its easy see if a dps dont do its role looking on a reacout, but on GW2 that use an active type combat, i dps can do less dps because he have to kite a mob to not die, so he stop damage time to time. its not competition, its only a useless addiction.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"
you are simply asking for a recount! and not im totally opposed to this. Because players use different styles.
on WOW type game, you have a tank a dps and an healer… its easy see if a dps dont do its role looking on a reacout, but on GW2 that use an active type combat, i dps can do less dps because he have to kite a mob to not die, so he stop damage time to time. its not competition, its only a useless addiction.
Well, I see it more as a way to track the strength of a build. What exactly to you mean by “a useless addiction”? An addiction to high numbers? I don’t know if this could be qualified as such, but I like to know if I’m being useful or not, and sometimes numbers illustrate that a lot more easily.
Besides, you can add any stat you like. The “number of attacks evaded” is not a bad idea. :P
I would like a recap, yes, but at the end only please.
I would like a recap, yes, but at the end only please.
I am 100% with you on that.
As long as you keep it strictly personal, it’d be a great feature. It’d also be a quick way to know if you’re getting better at a dungeon or not, so a little bit of personal progress.
I would like something like this to test my builds but at the same time, this would be a terrible thing for finicky elitist players to get their hands on. Sharing is a no. Some would see friendly competition, but many, many jerks would see it as a way to put others down if they pulled better numbers.
There’s also the high risk of dungeon groups then asking for certain numbers and above. If provided some way to gauge another player with numbers, fairly or not, people will latch onto it and apply likely unfair standards. Even if it was personal it’d still be asked for. Of course there’s the option to lie but that shouldn’t have to be an option.
I say this as a WoW raider who loves her meters, but really doesn’t want to see them in GW2.