Dungeon Tokens : Best ideia i have seen.
This is not my ideia, i saw it in a post as a suggestion to end ‘’fast runs’’ Now i have no problema wtih fast runs, hell i love finishing a dungeon in 15 mins. But all those creatures and bosses you designed go to waste, we just skip them whenever we can, seriously. So why not make it so that every creature in the dungeon drops a token (in addition to the end bonus ) this way people will kill all that you have made to die, and will most likely do more dungeons ( as they will keep doing even after DR ) Any suggestions anyone?
and then ppl would just kill the first 3-4 packs of mob exit the dungeon, regroup and do it again for EVEN faster runs. Though maybe have the end reward based the the amount of total mobs you killed in that dungeon?
Thats a good one, increase the end amount based on kills, or something. Like i said, no one dislikes fast runs, whoever came up with this idea was prob thinking about Anet itself, because they will for sure Add MUCH more dungeons, as the game is pretty new, with no changes, thats much more content they spend a long time making, going into waste.