Dungeon tokens and gear.
Thats not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about stats not look. There are many missing stat options on the vendors, mostly on the Arah one.
I want to be able to get the stats from say the eternity vendor and still be able to run Arah and not feel like the tokens are wasted. Be able to use the Arah tokens at the eternity vendor for the stat options missing on the Arah vendor.
I’m fully aware of x-muting, which I plan on doing and keep the look I have. But the tokens give me very limited stat options.
Can I make it any clearer what my concern is?
Yeah. I get the problem. You just go out and actually get armor with stats you want, then transmute.
Nope you dont see the problem. You fail to see my point. The options for the stats arent there. If I want my stats and gear along side my friends I will have to run a different dungeon, because the stats I want arent on the vendor the majority of the group needs.
So either we need to graind 2x the points per person in total or we have to split up our group and not run together to gear up at the same pace.
So one last time, I cant get the stats I want/need from the vendor the majority will use, so “go out and actually get the armor with stats” isnt a solution, because its not possible without running 2x the instances for our group.
So either I need to spend gold for the stats I want at which point there is no point running the dungeons or I have to run alone with other people, which isnt the way to solve this. Friends should be able to gear up with friends.