Dungeon tokens and gear.

Dungeon tokens and gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


So yesterday I decided to have a first look at the token vendors in Lion’s Arch, I noticed one big issue.

The options for gear are far from optimal, not the looks, but the stats you can pick. I run alot with friends and we all need or want different stat distributions on our gear. A friend of mine is running a power/crit nades/bombs engi spec while I run a condition pistols spec. We litterally cant run whatever dungeon we want because not all options are represented on each level 80 exotic vendor (arbor and up).

I understand there is a need for different tokens due to the cosmetic look each difficulty brings, but I dont see the need for different tokens due to stats, because the stat value on each level 80 vendor is exactly the same, just different stat options.

I want power, crit, condition on my engi, but its impossible to get this by running arah, which imo is a very fun instance. I dont care much for the item looks from the Arah vendor either, I love my pirate/musketeer look which I will keep. So for me the tokens from Arah seems wasted.

Are there any plans to make the vendor options a bit wider for the level 80 gear so we can spend whatever tokens we want for whatever stats we want? Like will there ever be an option to buy power+precision+condition armor/weapons on the Arah vendor? Or will I have to spend gold on TP to get that gear while my friends gear up in Arah? I’m not asking for AC or Cad to give 80 gear, but all places above that should have the same stat options on weapons and armor.

We shouldnt be forced as a group to grind 2x the points just because we want different stats on our gear. Right now we have to grind that way just to gear the group.

And no crafting is not an option, if I loved crafting I would go that route, but I prefer playing with friends. And no its not ok to have to run 2x the dungeons because of poor itemization options on vendors.

Besides this little rant I just love the game and the way PvE works, first MMO in a long time where I enjoy beating up npcs.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Dungeon tokens and gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: eronth.9017


You transmute.

Dungeon tokens and gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Thats not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about stats not look. There are many missing stat options on the vendors, mostly on the Arah one.

I want to be able to get the stats from say the eternity vendor and still be able to run Arah and not feel like the tokens are wasted. Be able to use the Arah tokens at the eternity vendor for the stat options missing on the Arah vendor.

I’m fully aware of x-muting, which I plan on doing and keep the look I have. But the tokens give me very limited stat options.

Can I make it any clearer what my concern is?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Dungeon tokens and gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: eronth.9017


Yeah. I get the problem. You just go out and actually get armor with stats you want, then transmute.

Dungeon tokens and gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Nope you dont see the problem. You fail to see my point. The options for the stats arent there. If I want my stats and gear along side my friends I will have to run a different dungeon, because the stats I want arent on the vendor the majority of the group needs.

So either we need to graind 2x the points per person in total or we have to split up our group and not run together to gear up at the same pace.

So one last time, I cant get the stats I want/need from the vendor the majority will use, so “go out and actually get the armor with stats” isnt a solution, because its not possible without running 2x the instances for our group.

So either I need to spend gold for the stats I want at which point there is no point running the dungeons or I have to run alone with other people, which isnt the way to solve this. Friends should be able to gear up with friends.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.