Dungeon tokens for story mode helpers please?

Dungeon tokens for story mode helpers please?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shin Phoenix.9243

Shin Phoenix.9243

On a few occasions I’ve joined a dungeon group on the understanding that they would be doing one or more of the explorable paths. This “pitch” if you like was the whole reason I’m interested in doing it in the first place. However as the group has gathered more players the predominant desire has changed to doing story mode instead.

I then have two choices. Either;
1) Whine about it/be an unsporting kitten and leave.
2) Stick with the team and help get them through it. Hey maybe they’ll be interested in doing an explorable afterwards…? (and maybe not)

Personally I’ve favored the second option but I can’t help but think that I’m missing out. I wonder if you’d be able to make some tokens available for those circumstances?

For example: What if a character that re-runs the story mode gets tokens provided the group includes a first timer? That would have experienced dungeon runners falling over themselves to help newer players which I think is a good thing.

Alternatively just give some tokens for the story mode full stop. Granted it’s easier so feel free to give less!

Just my thoughts!


Dungeon tokens for story mode helpers please?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily Miranda.5407

Lily Miranda.5407

Yes please, especially considering a lot of story modes are more difficult than some paths.