

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codata.2019


Ok, its time to make some changes ANet. I really don’t enjoy doing Dungeons anymore. Why? Becous everyone is doing CoF P1 farm & Fractals but thats not all. Almost, everyone is looking for a specific professions – Mesmer & Warrior the most. I am playing a Thief and i really can’t find a group so easy just becous i am not a Warrior or Mesmer. Finally when i find a group and get in the Dungeon all want to skip everything that is possible to skip. That is not supposed to be like so. Some of my suggesion would be:

- Random Dungeon Finder – with a reward
- Disable skipping Bosses/Mobs
- Put a timer to prevent farming of one Dungeon again & again

I hope ANet will do something about this in the future.

(edited by Codata.2019)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I would suggest finding a group of friends you can constantly do dungeons with. This would help your overall team performance. You won’t run into this issues with people who prefer to run with specific professions. You can’t blame ANET for how their players and community build the META. Onto your suggestions, my oppinions are,

- A random dungeon finder is a bad idea. If anything it promotes the behavior that you are complaining about. If the party does not like what they are getting they just “kick” and get the next person in the que. It also is very anti social.

- The skipping Bosses and Mobs I agree, but it is extremely hard to design this. Players will always move on the path of least resistance and there will always be people who will try to either exploit or speed run content (I know speed running is not exploiting btw). As designers ANET have to balance difficulty/reward without crashing the economy while avoiding all the issues that players might use, this is really complicated problem.

- This is already in place with the DR system for dungeon tokens.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


The same as Beorn Raukar.
- Get some friends together to play. Usually they are not looking for any particular class, but just want to play together with you, and GW2 has got a lot of content to enjoy with friends, including dungeons.

No Dungeon Finder, imo.
- WoW implemented this feature because the players didn’t understand that Guilds were meant to be the group of people you’d play together with. There are tons of guilds in WoW that doesn’t amount to anything, because everyone basically wants to be the leader of a group. I think that socializing with people in a multiplayer game is a core aspect in how to play the game. – And as already stated, getting some friends together to enjoy some Multiplayer aspects of the game makes the experience more fun and enjoyable.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Look I understand your frustration, but they don’t need a re-vamp just use


Put in the description GLFXM invite self not skipping.

I do this all the time for TA and other dungeons I run and I fill the party quickly, we have full runs with out skipping or class restrictions.

It is not arena Net fault because elitist or farmers want X profession or want to skip.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Codata.2019


Yea, you guys are right in some points. I am just suggesting and i am sure ANet could made it better and i am sure they can disable the skipping. How i heard they are already doing something about the “Dungeon Tool” so we will see…


in Suggestions

Posted by: Advert Paperer.7059

Advert Paperer.7059

i am sure they can disable the skipping.

This would be risky. Consider the underwater fractal, wherein players need to eliminate each set of Krait before releasing a prisoner. The Krait occasionally get stuck in the ceiling and it becomes difficult to hit them. Imagine that the same logic applied throughout the game: you could be an hour into an Arah run, but then be forced to start over because a single Risen Chicken somehow glitched into the level geometry and became unkillable.

The appropriate solution to the “problem” of skipping is simply to improve the rewards for defeating mobs and completing bonus objectives. Some players will skip content (because they find the boss fights more fun, or because they enjoy the challenge of evading enemies, or because one member of the party needs to logoff in twenty minutes, or whatever) but others can choose to complete the dungeon “properly” and still earn decent rewards.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Orc Slayer.2780

Orc Slayer.2780

Ok, its time to make some changes ANet. I really don’t enjoy doing Dungeons anymore. Why? Becous everyone is doing CoF P1 farm & Fractals but thats not all. Almost, everyone is looking for a specific professions – Mesmer & Warrior the most. I am playing a Thief and i really can’t find a group so easy just becous i am not a Warrior or Mesmer. Finally when i find a group and get in the Dungeon all want to skip everything that is possible to skip. That is not supposed to be like so. Some of my suggesion would be:

- Random Dungeon Finder – with a reward
- Disable skipping Bosses/Mobs
- Put a timer to prevent farming of one Dungeon again & again

I hope ANet will do something about this in the future.

so a lot of people should be forced to play your way. I see. Do you want me to give you 50% of my pay check too?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You heard about the old UWSC with 8 assassins? that was a lot worse. This is a little issue where you just too lazy to level up a warrior to 80.

Read It Backwards [BooN]


in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I hate people that skip, I think a majority ( my opinion) really don’t understand how the dungeon works and skip because it is to hard for them. I have been in groups where 2 people wanted to skip, cause that is how they always done it, and 3 of us didn’t. Turned out they died a lot and about around the 3rd death they cried about the fact they were dying and tried to say that is why everyone skips. Now even though I hate skippers and feel a good majority are poor players, I don’t believe that Arena Net should take out the ability to skip. It is a players right to play the game they want, for a set group of people that do not like it to ask for it to be taken away ( which I use to be one of them) is no better than the paranoid players that want MF taken away. It isn’t right.

If you use the LFG site the way I suggested you will never have to worry about skip groups, you will never have to worry about players that want to exploit a dungeon cause they think it is faster. Some times you will have to join groups and just deal with it but 90% of the time you wont.

To Orc Slayer
Look I realize you just started in the forums, but your demeanor and attitude towards people that say things you don’t like is going to get you infracted, or banned. Trust me I have been banned once and infracted multiple times, and since you have only 24 post I am going to assume your new to the game, if not for sure new to the forums. So some friendly advice no matter how mad they make you no matter how much the disagree if you can’t make it sound nice then don’t say it.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Codata.2019


Ok, its time to make some changes ANet. I really don’t enjoy doing Dungeons anymore. Why? Becous everyone is doing CoF P1 farm & Fractals but thats not all. Almost, everyone is looking for a specific professions – Mesmer & Warrior the most. I am playing a Thief and i really can’t find a group so easy just becous i am not a Warrior or Mesmer. Finally when i find a group and get in the Dungeon all want to skip everything that is possible to skip. That is not supposed to be like so. Some of my suggesion would be:

- Random Dungeon Finder – with a reward
- Disable skipping Bosses/Mobs
- Put a timer to prevent farming of one Dungeon again & again

I hope ANet will do something about this in the future.

so a lot of people should be forced to play your way. I see. Do you want me to give you 50% of my pay check too?

Relax. This topic is a suggestion. I am just suggesting some things that i would love to see in-game. Not all like it like you, but i do. Personally i think ANet didn’t made something just to skip it.

I simply don’t like the skipping, the farming of one Dungeon again & again, the players who are searching only for specific professions… I am sure there are players who like this and others who don’t like it. When i play Guild Wars i want to enjoy everything what ANet made not just skip it and save some time. I am just sain’ that there should be something in-game like gw2lfg.com so players can find a group for a Dungeon easier. Thats just my suggestion an that is it. I have a right for that like all players. Thats why we have “Suggestions” on our forum. Some are bad and some are good.

(edited by Codata.2019)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Orc Slayer.2780

Orc Slayer.2780

Ok, its time to make some changes ANet. I really don’t enjoy doing Dungeons anymore. Why? Becous everyone is doing CoF P1 farm & Fractals but thats not all. Almost, everyone is looking for a specific professions – Mesmer & Warrior the most. I am playing a Thief and i really can’t find a group so easy just becous i am not a Warrior or Mesmer. Finally when i find a group and get in the Dungeon all want to skip everything that is possible to skip. That is not supposed to be like so. Some of my suggesion would be:

- Random Dungeon Finder – with a reward
- Disable skipping Bosses/Mobs
- Put a timer to prevent farming of one Dungeon again & again

I hope ANet will do something about this in the future.

so a lot of people should be forced to play your way. I see. Do you want me to give you 50% of my pay check too?

Relax. This topic is a suggestion. I am just suggesting some things that i would love to see in-game. Not all like it like you, but i do. Personally i think ANet didn’t made something just to skip it.

I simply don’t like the skipping, the farming of one Dungeon again & again, the players who are searching only for specific professions… I am sure there are players who like this and others who don’t like it. When i play Guild Wars i want to enjoy everything what ANet made not just skip it and save some time. I am just sain’ that there should be something in-game like gw2lfg.com so players can find a group for a Dungeon easier. Thats just my suggestion an that is it. I have a right for that like all players. Thats why we have “Suggestions” on our forum. Some are bad and some are good.

it’s a suggestion that you’re trying to force everyone to play your way. this is not burger king, you can’t have it your way all the time.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Mozy.9608


Make dungeons so that nothing can be skipped.
Farming should require FULL EFFORT (not Fool Effort).


in Suggestions

Posted by: Rump Buffalo.2594

Rump Buffalo.2594

Dungeons are incredibly poorly designed.

Skipping and glitching are rampant and there is no reason NOT to do it since loot is terrible and has been since release. Having another set of unique looking dungeon gear that can randomly drop from any enemy (double chance drop in chests) would fix a lot of this problem. Additionally giving all mobs a small chance to drop tokens or better chance at rare materials would help.

There is no progression in the dungeon system. Dungeons should unlock other dungeons when they are completed. For example if you finish all 3 paths to an explorable in the same week you unlock and elite dungeon that is unique and not in the SAME PLACE AS THE 3 EXPLORABLES cuz we were promised unique paths that we didnt get and its getting downright boring…

No consistent aggro mechanic (not just threat) makes them chaotic and feel like you cannot control the combat. This makes it impossible to design specific encounters around something the players can be presumed to know and also makes it impossible to have certain trash mob groups handled with strategy. Everything is just a clusterkitten which is not fun, especially for new players. And before you say “monsters attack the closest damaging threat to them hur dur” they dont… they have that system and it is overridden by every monster having a “unless someone has higher toughness” or “unless someone is healing” or instead “attack the highest dps/lowest health”. There is NO consistent mechanic for players to understand how fights will unfold or control the flow of battle

Support builds are….well they dont do much that players cant already do for themselves.

No class roles, which I’m not saying I like the trinity or want it but there is a reason it existed. When anyone can do everything no one is special

Mechanically boring, 90% of all dungeon encounters are “Hey zerg that thing!”

Nothing feels impactful

Telegraphy and skill: 90% of the time this is non-existent. Difficulty is more based on cheap brutality than hard mechanics or timing. EVERY hit hitting for 30% of your health is just stupid. Monsters should auto for about 10%-15% of your lifebar and have special telegraphed moves or conditions that need to be taken care of tactically and avoided.

All dungeons should scale you up to 80 so we can have a BASELINE from which to balance instead of scaling you down.

I actually like gear treadmills, but with the understanding that most people dont I would suggest we need about 300% more weapon/armor skins in the game and some of them need to drop exclusively in dungeons and world bosses (IE champs and dragons). The embarassing lack of interesting weapons/armor skins is a purely horizontally progressive game is just staggering and stupid.
-This is not in dungeons but i also think every ZONE of the map should have 1 set of unique light/med/heavy armor. The level of sameness while leveling is lolworthy.

All gear should have hidden gear ratings on it. These ratings are averaged and put into an algorithm along with your level to determine equivalent monster stats. By doing this you adequately accommodate any level of player while keeping an even level of difficulty throughout all levels of players in a dungeon setting

(edited by Rump Buffalo.2594)