Dungeons. Already requiring people to be level 80 and have the "leet" gear.

Dungeons. Already requiring people to be level 80 and have the "leet" gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Later on when everyone has already done story mode there will be newcomers that won’t get a chance to do explorable mode dungeons or story mode.

Why you do you think I say this? Well for one I have already seen lfg posts on map chat where people are now required to be level 80 and have rare/exotic gear to even be accepted into the group for a lvl 40 explorable mode dungeon.

I would make a suggestion, but I do not know of a way to fix this inevitable problem.

At least make explorable mode accessible when the player hits the appropriate level.

(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)

Dungeons. Already requiring people to be level 80 and have the "leet" gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

No inspect. boom everyone is allowed to do it as long as you are 1 lvl up than dungeon requirement.


Dungeons. Already requiring people to be level 80 and have the "leet" gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ingram of Haz.5987

Ingram of Haz.5987

This is why PUGS are not a good thing. Please find a guild and play dungeons with your guild. then you dont have such problems. I for one have turned off map chat on my account and all the better for it. I know there are some things in the works for guilds but one thing that we have implemented outside the game is a schedule calendar for our guild to sign up for weekly events. Thus far that has worked great for everything from Area completion runs to group events to dungeon runs. As I understand it eventually guilds will have something similar from the game itself that guilds can access from outside the game via a smart phone or something. We just took that concept and did it on our own and it really does help with large guilds that are spread out all over the world.

Jade Quarry

Dungeons. Already requiring people to be level 80 and have the "leet" gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


First you have to figure out how to cure people’s desires to feel they are better than others.

Then you’ll eliminate any persecution in life, let alone in the game.

In all seriousness, people are allowed to play with whoever they want. IE my requirement for people to join my group is they can’t be tight wads. ArenaNet isn’t going to then implement a system that keeps me from filtering out these individuals who make my gaming experience not fun, just because this requirement of mine keeps a good majority of the player base from joining my groups.

People are allowed to be as selective as they want when it comes to choosing who they play with. If they think they “need” a person to be lvl 80 and with elite loot, then you aren’t going to change that mindset and there’s nothing arenanet can do to change that either.

You cannot change a persons mentality by some forced in game system. No matter what you ask for, or what arena net does, people will always create a standard of elitism.

I mean, what would be next? A system that keeps players from booting others from a group because they just plain suck at playing? After all, that’s just mean.

Personally I dislike all this “make it fair” nonsense. What’s the point of obtaining loot and leveling up at that point? This is a game. Games are competitive environments. What that means is, someone will ALWAYS be better than another.

There are plenty of people who aren’t lvl 80 and who don’t have elite loot looking to do the same events you are, team up with them.