Dungeons / Jumping Puzzles

Dungeons / Jumping Puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archdruidess.5143


I’m putting this both into one thread because the second suggestion is really simple.

Firstly, concerning dungeons, specifically explorable mode:

I wanted to suggest that there be a way to allow a group of more than 5 to enter explorable mode. My guild was often frustrated that the “dungeon nights” that we ran were limited to a team or two of 5… we always had an odd number of people, and not everyone could come.

You have done an amazing thing with the scaling of events, mobs, and areas… could the same idea be applied to this aspect of the dungeons? Say for example you only have 5 people – great. You can play the explorable mode as normal. But if you have more people (say a range of between 5 and 20 people, for example,) the dungeon scales upward to account for a larger number of people. That way you can have a similar experience, parallel difficulty, and allow a greater participation of guild members.

I suggest this because my guild was always looking for things to do together, but were frustrated by the fact that many things seemed limited to only 5 people together.

The second suggestions is about the jumping puzzle rewards. Having just finished Scavenger’s Chasm in Malchor’s Leap, I was incredibly disappointed by the chest rewards. After the amount of work and frustration that was put into completing that puzzle, I couldn’t help but feel that, outside from the first-time achievement, it was a waste of time. I did not have fun and did not feel rewarded for my time. I didn’t even make back the money I lost from dying multiple times and falling through the terrain and getting stuck in a glitch and having to waypoint out. I guess I expected a little better reward from something so difficult in a higher level area.

Perhaps have a first-time opening of a chest give better rewards, and save the lesser loot for return visits, if anything? It would be nice if there was an incentive to do jumping puzzles more than once.