Dungeons: Make them soloable.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dead.7385


Solo story mode only

That should be good enough.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ghaiana.3897


Soloable dungeons and dungeons doable with groups of 2/3 persons would be a nice addition. The problem is dungeons always take longer than people predict. I just don’t want to play on when I want to stop. I’m too polite to get out of dungeon group before the dungeon is finished. If I can do a dungeon with my rl partner or alone, chances are that I will indeed take the effort to explore dungeons. Now I did one in GW2 and it was just another disaster, it took over 3 hours and people were just trying to rush and died all the time. Not my piece of cake.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


This is not really an option actually. And no they won’t ever go for it. However there is an alternative to your request that can be done by Anet easily.

They could make key personal story dungeons repeatable with enhanced rewards upon completing them. They have the tech already built into the game for this so it should be easily done.

They already have scaling, instancing, and scripting so making a few key personal story events repeatable where you could play with a duo or trio without issues or even solo without issues would be easily programmed.

Some of the battles would be fun to repeat imo.

And that’s if you absolutely must be in an instance. Imo i like the open world stuff the most we just need more meta events with great rewards to keep us going, no more of this dungeon only model crap that seems to be the focus coming out of the dev team, it breaks the manifesto every time they enhance dungeons to do anything other then horizontal progression. (like right now they need to make the older dungeons drop the infused armor items just like the fractals so people aren’t stuck doing just that one dungeon over and over and it would make the other dungeons worth while again).

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I don’t agree…sorry.

The game has very few reasons to group up as it is.

Not trying to be argumentative, but I’ve seen this type of reply often and honestly I’ve never quite understood it. People will group up because they want to, and other people will avoid grouping up because they don’t want to. The game mechanics shouldn’t need to artifically force players into one mode or the other.

People who have said henchmen are a detriment as compared to real players are correct. But some players will gladly accept the downsides of henchmen in order to have the freedom to play and experience content at their own pace on their own time.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


One problem might be that if everyone can start a dungeon whenever he like, the demand for groups will decrease – and those who like to have other players with them might be unable to find such players… if not a special “looking for group” chat reaches from the capitals into the dungeon. What would be possible if a “dungeon group finder” is implemented, then the system could give a message to everyone soloing the dungeon that he might join a group.

Maybe the problem is that the PvE part (including dungeons) does not really need MMO. WvWvW is not possible except as MMO. PvP is somewhere in between. But GW2 has a strong focus in PvE.
Imagine you would skip the PvE, give everyone equal stats from the beginning and a starting equip good enough for WvWvW. Better equip can be looted or bought with karma and gold that one gets for events, special operations or whatever. Furthermore you can do sPvP, free duelling or other forms of PvP. That all would really need MMO. Would it also be attractive enough?

And on the other hand, take only the PvE part, including dungeons that are open for single Players with henchmen or groups. Give a henchmen system that at least works. Would that be attractive enough, without big servers, just with smaller ones that host enough player to build up dungeon parties? Or… as an offline version, only with KI henchmen against KI mobs?

If too many players answer like me (don’t need MMO, PvE is attracting enough), then MMO games have a structural problem. Then you need to force people into groups because groups are a central element of MMO, and many people don’t like this, they just get along with it. Then it would be poisonous to make everything soloable…

I really wonder whether that is the case?

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Yes pls. for Storymode to be doable without a team. I mean… I did actually get lucky and have fun throughout it. What sucked for me was, that I felt that MY story, in the very end, with the fight against Zhaitan just…. wasn’t my story. Most dungeons it was one of the other players talking to Zojja, Caithe and the lot.
Which was alright I guess…. untill the story of the dungeons and MY personal story merged and I could not get to be the main character in my own story in that last mission.

But yes… obviously explorable mode should stay the way it is. Perhaps with more options to team, with those that are not obssessed with gear stats and what not.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silver Bride.4685

Silver Bride.4685

No! Just NO! This is a social game and this aspect should remain and be reinforced…
You don’t find someone? Join an active guild, interacts, make friends! This is what the game is supposed to be! Want to play a solo game? You are on the wrong place…

I really wish this were true. I love the social aspect of games, but have had a very hard time finding much social interaction here. I joined a few different guilds and it was always like a ghost town with no one talking or doing things as a group. I finally found one small guild that did chat and group up some, but one of the leaders was unbearable to be around and I had to just get out.

I would love if they changed the guild system so you could only be in one guild, instead of finding myself in a guild where I am the only one representing at the time. Until they fix this I would love to have solo dungeon options, just so I can actually experience these places.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leryod.7413


+1 . Heroes and Henchman would be great as an option.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silver Bride.4685

Silver Bride.4685

I’ve never understood why some people get offended if someone else likes to play solo in a game, then tries to justify their view by saying “It’s a multiplayer game, if you want to play solo blah blah etc.” Well one thing you need to consider is that the term MMORPG stands for "Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game ". It does not stand for “Massively Multiplayer Online Group Up for Everything Game”. People should be able to play this game anyway they please, and there should be options available for different styles of play.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


Story mode should be soloable…
Not because it’s easier or antisocial or whatever you wanna call it, but because it’s supposed to be part of your own story, the one they sold out so much in their pre-release manifesto, beta weekend events, and whatever…
But now I have to sit there and watch as other guy takes my place in every single cutscene, just because he entered the dungeon first… or even hear them kitten at me because I take my time to watch the cinematics and don’t just skip them.
So yeah, story mode should be done solo, exp which are the ones that are “actually important” for the game, should remain as they are.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: scarybandit.8179


Yes to solo Story Mode Dungeons as an option.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: judeobscure.2537


Yes to solo Story Mode Dungeons as an option.
make that dos+

its hard to remember we’re alive for the first time
its hard to remember we’re alive for the last time

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I completely agree with having Dungeons scalable to accommodate solo play.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: QuantumRubixCube.5961


Difficulty should scale with amount of players, making them easy to play with a friend, and can let different groups of people accomplish dungeons and get the gear sets. The only reason a dungeon set requires dedication is because of the lack of soloable dungeons/ LFG feature.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Myst.9182


I remember that one of the reasons argued to reject the “Holly Trinity” was that PUGs had not problems finding players to complete a party, however, it happens that 5 player parties still have problems to fin players to complete them. There is also the problem for casual players that as they may go afk several times during a dungeon, they do not want to play in a PUG. In GW 1 there were Heroes and Henchies so there was no problem to solo a dungeon.

So I suggest to make all dungeons scalable from 1 to 5 players, so that there is neither need to search for a party nor a need to look for more player to fill a 5 players party.

Not a bad idea.

Since Fractals came out I have not been able to get the last 120CM badges I need for my final piece.

No one wants to do it. Not my guildies or PuGs. Very frustrating to be so close to completing my set and not being able to do it.

We have scalable events, why not scalable dungeons?

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omgnotimba.1785


“Skill Points” should be able to be acquired playing solo as getting a group of people in a server with nobody on, low pop servers or people who just dont log on due to the time difference in servers

skill points such as the one at graven cay is impossible to solo if nobody wants to take the temple or even the skill point east of cathedral of silence

“Skill Points” imply skill and should not reflect on how much people there is on a server

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Story mode can be soloable, but the grinding of explorables should be left to groups. It’s an MMO after all.

Myst, I’ll play CM with you, I need 180 tokens there myself, and some people in my guild will go there too. But maybe the fact that CM gets neglected is a sign to Anet it needs to revamping to be made more attractive.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daednu.6893


I don’t think that soloable is the way to go. Maybe add a 2 player, 3 player, 4 player and 5 player versions?

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Antisceptic.9174


I wish Arah Story specifically was soloable. The whole game I was the hero of Tyria, then when I completed my personal story, the leader of the group was the hero of Tyria. Him and that whiny kitten Trahearne.