Dye Color Adjustments for Leather Armor [Bug?]
Post screenshots pls
For the Dev’s sake
Speaking of dyes, i have noticed on heavy armor that in the preview window when trying out colors, the colors often look way different in the preview then they do for real. I am sure this is mostly due to lighting in certain areas but it is really disappointing to have a color setup that looks great but in most lighting it looks really bad.
Will edit post with screenshots in ~12 hours.
And yes, the Preview Window shows dye in a certain lighting, and the in-game lighting is different. I noticed in-game making me slightly darker and slightly brighter (like a light blue will be darker—still light though—but also more neon-esque and have a brighter shine/glow to it. Also, changing between max graphics, mediums graphics, and low graphics changes the brightness/dimness. But I kinda expect this.
I have the exact same experiences that you are experiencing. Every piece is much lighter than their Light and Heavy Counterparts. In the picture, notice how much darker my hood is compared to the rest of my armor. In every situation, my headpiece is always darker, no matter what. It makes everything look off and it is sad. :-(