Dyes - Please make them account bound.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeTechTive.9251


Here’s an idea: what if you could right-click on any non-standard dye color and choose “undo” which would essentially rebottle it and then allow you to go give the dye to another character on your account?

Essentially, you could freely transfer dye from one character to another, but only ONE character could have that particular dye at any moment. So if you wanted two or more characters to have the same dye, you’d either need to create it, get it in a drop or buy it.

I think that would be a happy medium between letting players move dye from one character to another, but also keep ArenaNet’s making money off dye in the Black Lion Trading Post.

This, please please let me do this.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


I’m honestly okay with dyes being account bound.

In Mabinogi, you can’t reuse dyes at all. You use it once on ONE PART of a piece of gear, then it’s gone. Being a veteran of that game, I think ANet’s dye system is extremely generous.

And I respect the fact that dyes are part of their income. Making them account-bound would destroy the value there.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: jwaz.1908


I completely agree with you, similar to other game unlocks, dyes should be account wide rather than character based.

Brom Svánigandr – Druid
Nemata Sapshield – Dragonhunter
Lillian Estre – Tempest

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Ever since the price of unidentified dyes jumped from 2s to 15s I don’t use them anymore, I sell them. It’s taken all of the fun out of it. At only 2s a pop I’d risk playing RNG roulette to see what I got, but now it’s not worth blowing 15s for a chance at a dye that’s worth less than 1s, which most of them are.

I’m with ScribeTheMad on this one, I probably won’t ever buy an Abyss dye at their current rate and sadly even if I lucked upon one I would probably end up selling it because 20g is a lot of money for one color for one character.

Also, just because you can name another game (one I’ve never even heard of) that has a more brutal dying system than GW2 doesn’t mean GW2’s couldn’t be improved. Plus, I really don’t see how dyes are “part of their income”. Dye packs are one item out of their entire gem store and it’s a total crap shoot. You’re not even guaranteed to get a rare dye from it so I don’t know why would bother wasting gems on it in the first place.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The fact that they’re including Unid’ed dyes as a potential reward for Crowns suggests to me that dye packs are not a big seller on the Gem store. (Not surprising since the colour ranges are so limited.)

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MilitiaMasterV.7216


Well, I just spent my time pushing my characters into the 40-60 range maps and learning them, and now have 5 80’s and 1 64 and spent almost 14g on a new character slot to try out a Mesmer.

That pretty much left my ‘extra’ gold depleted. (Will sell the mats I gather with new character to replenish, but I doubt it’s going to rake even close to that much in.)

I did finally push my crafting up and find the materials to be able to make 15 slot bags for all of them (except for craftsman’s bags because my tailor is lagging behind majorly because of how little tailoring supplies drop even with my salvaging every single light armor below green level. Also, can’t find nearly enough of the supplies I need to make the items…because when I go out and ‘farm’ the guys that drop it…they end up dropping nothing/vendor trash which is ridiculous. They shouldn’t be dropping NOTHING for killing them.).

This will probably be my ‘last’ character before I move onto another game unless this dye situation gets resolved soon.

As for them making dyes purchase-able by daily tokens…that doesn’t solve the problem. It’s just basically a ‘kick the can down the road’ approach like Congress has been doing with the debt ceiling situation.

I’ll play until I can’t stand it anymore then I’ll go find another game.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

I’m honestly okay with dyes being account bound.

In Mabinogi, you can’t reuse dyes at all. You use it once on ONE PART of a piece of gear, then it’s gone. Being a veteran of that game, I think ANet’s dye system is extremely generous.

And I respect the fact that dyes are part of their income. Making them account-bound would destroy the value there.

This was the same as in gw1, where you would have to buy 5 copies of the dye color you wanted to apply them on the 5 different pieces of armor you had equipped. Not to mention if you bought new armor pieces, you would have to rebuy the dyes.

To be honest, it would be cool if dyes were accountbound. But in comparison with the gw1 system this new dye system is very generous in that you only have to buy it once and can just re-apply it whenever you want.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


Agree its stupid you have to buy dyes per character.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Support 100%; soulbound dyes are crap.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Another thing: what about mixing dyes together?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Dyes are already partially account bound. Although I am not sure if that is a bug, feature or exploit.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DocHolliday.5921


Maybe they should put in the GW1 dye system, where all dyes were one-time-use. And there weren’t nearly as many shades, so to get a a lot of different shades you could mix up to four dyes. That meant you could buy as many as 20 dyes to dye one set of armor, and then they were gone.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Nah Doc, that would be even worse. But the soulbound dyes are just crap…

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MilitiaMasterV.7216


Well, I can see why people enjoy mesmers now.

Finished all the starter areas with it. Level 39 already. Did a couple jumping puzzle chest runs with all my 80’s and it gave me a little bit of stuff to sell and selling all the ‘extra’ materials while I was running around helped. Recouped 10g of the 14g I spent on the character slot. I dunno why at higher levels it seems like gold stops coming in as well…

All that saved gear for the new character got moved off so my guys have a tiny bit more space to play with. Still have way too much space wasted by dyes though.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyon.9735


I have around 25 rare dyes stuck on my engineer. 10 in my elementalist. I want to use my Celestial dye on my Warrior as well but I can’t see myself spending 16G for a 3rd Celesitial Dye

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wapakalypse.7958


I agree with your post.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackDaniels.1697


I wouldn’t mind dyes been account bound but the way it is right now is good for the economy. It keeps dyes selling and it’s just something else going around to keep the economy going. (Looking at big picture here)

“I got a fever! And the only prescription, is more COWBELL!”

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I wouldn’t mind dyes been account bound but the way it is right now is good for the economy. It keeps dyes selling and it’s just something else going around to keep the economy going. (Looking at big picture here)

Well, I think most of the Unidentified Dyes are being bought by people crafting the Gift of Color since 20s is a hefty price to pay for the color lotto for most people.

Personally, I’ve quit buying dyes full stop. I was buying up at least the ones below 1s, but with the prices consistently rising it just isn’t really worth it to me anymore. I’m definitely not shelling out 1g+ for one dye for one character and I doubt I’m alone in that mindset.

It’s really unfortunate. I thought finding, opening, collecting dyes was fun, but now it’s just another RNG gold sink with really bad odds.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Will.9785


I have to say no to this. I like the way it is right now. Transferring dye to account-wide would take away one aspect of a RPG and remove another thing to “collect”.

Such a thing would be WELCOME in this game.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


What Lane says, people who still buy dyes either have to much money or are complete idiots. It isn’t worth it to buy a dye for 2g, while you already have it on alt…

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MilitiaMasterV.7216


I haven’t bought a single dye from the TP, nor from the gem store. Nor will I (unless they go account bound…then I might fill in the gaps in my color scheme.)

My mesmer is almost level 70 (66 or something and rising fast with the new dailies.). Once I hit 80 with it, I’ll probably get back on my last non-80 (Engineer) and hit 80 with it, then I’ll have 7 80’s.

I actually did recover the cost of the character slot by selling stuff along the way. (Surprising.)

I have yet to even visit a level 65+ map. There’s still a bit more for me to explore, but I dunno how much longer I’m going to put up with this no space dilemma.

These dyes eat up way too much space. Plus now with the new dailies I keep getting other random space eating things like full stack Black Lion Salvage kits (I have like 8 of these now…because someone told me to save them to salvage exotics…once I get in the higher maps. And I haven’t really been needing to save anything out of the stuff I salvage anymore.)

Guess they’d rather someone who plays like I do quits their game rather than change a feature. ~shrug~

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Thumbs up so this thread isn’t lost. Vote it up people. Show Anet who’s in power.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nomar Ramon.3107

Nomar Ramon.3107

There are several similar threads out there about this. Where to post?

Making dyes account bound would mean that the common dyes would become junk. Every character in you account would have them in no time.

Something I might have an interest in would be to have an upgrade system for the most expensive and rarer dyes. When you double click to apply it could give you an option to make it account bound for a certain amont of laurels or karma or something like that. Maybe you could alternatively by a certain number of character uses even, like for some many laurels you can have two uses.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


No I don’t quite agree to that Nomar: the common dyes already are junk ( 70 copper).
I would opt for Infinite “——-” Dye (can use on all of your characters) for like double the price.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cronstintein.7182


It really bummed me out when I made my first alt and had to start at scratch again for the dyes. It’s not so bad if you play a lot of PvE since the drop rates are fairly high (or were, it’s been a while or me).
But for a PvP player with an alt of every class, the current system sucks. Unfortunately I fall into this second category.
No gold, no gems and almost no dyes for me

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nomar Ramon.3107

Nomar Ramon.3107

I guess one could start collecting the common ones and continue to spend time, which we have way too much of anyway, throwing them into the forge. Hours and hours of additional fun.

How about this. Anet could create some special items, ala a spray can or gun, a paint ball gun or paint balloon bombs, whereby we could use the dyes as ammo and to make graphetti on walls and walkways, have paintball fights or toss paint bombs on passers by from heights in the cities!

I’ll bet common dyes might be a little more popular then.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


I disagree, dyes are one of the main money sinks in the game, changing that would have an affect on the price of everything else.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SwickHobo.5096


I would love to see my dyes account bound, dont know why they werent in the first place.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Salzkorn.8409


Something I might have an interest in would be to have an upgrade system for the most expensive and rarer dyes. When you double click to apply it could give you an option to make it account bound for a certain amont of laurels or karma or something like that. Maybe you could alternatively by a certain number of character uses even, like for some many laurels you can have two uses.

This seems like a great idea to me, although I’d like to see this not only for the rarer dyes. If Anet isn’t changing this because of the gem cost I’d even consider buying these upgrades for small amounts of gems, maybe in the range of 50 to 100. I don’t know the cost of gems, though, so this may be too little or too much.

As for multiple uses, this may get problematic with player-sold dyes, so I’d like to see either making dyes with multiple uses account bound or simply duplicating dyes instead of modifying how often a single dye can be used.

Either way, after finding out the hard way that dyes can only be used on a single character (used everything on my main and started an alt just two weeks ago) I’m pretty disappointed that there’s no way I can transfer dyes or at least color armor pieces of my alt by transferring the armor to my main. I don’t think I’ll use any more dyes until this system changes, and I’m certainly not going to buy one.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I would like the dye panel to be for your entire account. I just don’t think Anet will ever do it.

All I can do is speak for myself with the following statements.
I would certainly being willing to actually buy some dyes from the store if two things happened
1)they weren’t random mystery packs
2)they were account bound.

Just my thoughts…

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sedoks.3576


Dyes should be accbound

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


Agreed, any chance of a anet person chiming in to tell us if this is planned at all?

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


Agreed, any chance of a anet person chiming in to tell us if this is planned at all?

Nice Nerco. And no it’s not. People who bought rare dyes would be kitten ed.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MilitiaMasterV.7216


Figured I’d stop back in here since my current game (RIFT) is down due to a conflict with Microsoft’s new security patch update to see if there was any progress.

I got to 7 80’s on this game, and most of my storage was full of dyes, so I left the game and went to find a new one.

I came back to check this thread, and still not a single A-net response, and it’s as though they ignored the whole thread. I’m kinda glad I took my money elsewhere.

Companies that outright ignore their members concerns deserve to lose money.

That being said, if they’d address the issue and make a change, I’d be more than willing to bring them back my business. This was a fun game, and I didn’t even see any map past level 65 or so. (Yes, it’s possible to hit 80 by just doing lower maps + crafting.)

Until they actually do something about this issue, I’m afraid this game is not the one for me, and I have better places to spend my money.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


After account Wallet, this is something we’re really looking forward to.
+1k by the name of Hungarian GW2 players.

(if any1 cares about “Oh kitten I’ve bought Abyss for my other characters too, now its a waste?!”: No. You’ve bought a ’year to use it. Any dye you unlock from now, free to use on any of your character. be happy!)

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