Dyes should be account bound

Dyes should be account bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Artiyum.7062


I think dyes should be account bound.
1- There are so many dyes, some people may want to collect them and thus get as many dyes as possible for their own reasons. to then make that available to one character, and not another removes that sense of achievement.
2- Some dyes are really expensive abyss, celestial, pyre ect. I myself saved up for abyss and celestial and now I am playing a new character i feel as though i should be obliged to use the dyes i bought since i put so much time in getting them. So it should be account bound.
3- You can purchase 10 unidentified dyes with account bound laurels , therefore the reward (dyes) should be account bound too.
Let me know what you think. I think this would be a good small update.

Dyes should be account bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: MangoMan.3218


That’s a good idea, the only downside to that I can think of for that is perhaps that some players like the challenge, and it gives a little more room for improvement on your look for each character. Perhaps only have a few specific sets of account-bound dyes, but make the majority soul-bound.

Just vanquishing the hate. | Ziios, TC