Dynamic Events, Achievements and more.

Dynamic Events, Achievements and more.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kastylx.2579


Hello guys!

Please, dont blame me for my poor english, i never studdied it, everything i know is (mostly) by playing Guild Wars 1.

I have a few ideas for general PvE gameplay/progression;

The first thing that comes to mind when someone ask me about Guild Wars 2, because its one of the best things i have ever seen in MMORPG games.

Dynamic Events

We have plenty of them, yes, but people usually only do them while leveling or farming.
My suggestion would be the following: Connect them to achievements, for example, Gather at least 15 ruined grapes for Winemaker Victoria
Remove at least 40 conditions while fighting Jormag, kill 25 Centaurs at X event without taking any damage or kill X world boss without anyone getting downed.

The reason behind this is simple; theres a lot of places where we never go, we dont care much about events. And to be honest, we dont care much about each others, usually in mmorpg games i meet people, well, in GW2 i meet another character whos running around in circles and killing stuffs as fast as he can like a bot.
Some ahchievements would require some teamplay, not just brainless zerg. (no, not like jormag, thats way too hard for randoms)
Also, we might go to places where we never do after 100% completion.

Make them repeatable every few months, expand the achievement reward system, finish the skin sets, and for completing every dynamic event achievements, give ascender or legendary as a reward (account bound on acquire), were heroes.
Remember? you dont make grindy games, we want to have fun while being rewarded simply by playing the game. Give us more skins obtainable by completing specific achievements/reaching x amount of points.
It would make us (me, atleast) feel like were progressing without the need of adding another tier.
Yes, some people would rush and finish them as fast as they can, its their choice, theyre grinders no matter what you do, they exist.
Just give us something to work/play for; fun and progression
I think thats all for now, its just an idea.

Another thing i often see is the “berserker gear>everything else”

Separate PvE and PvP/WvW like you did in Guild Wars 1 and nerf dodge. PvE is a faceroll right now.

As a guardian, i hate it. Id like to be useful while using mace/shield with tanky gear and traits, but im not. People always say that guardian is a support class.
Nope, it makes others even more overpowered in pve. Give guardian a new mechanic in PvE; for example, While in group, give 15% of guardian’s toughness or armor to teammates. If more then one guards, highest one chosen
Make healing power scale better with trait.
Would make sense to pick a tanky guardian. Shield is useless right now, how often do you see a guardian with shield?

It would make PvE a little more challenging.

A few other thing;

Mounts, please. Something to collect, usable only outside. FPS is already low in LA.
Better rewards for Jumping puzzles. Seriously, its a hidden, secret chest with full of trash.
More titles in PvE, see ^Dynamic Events. Also bring back Survivor.
Underworld and FoW, yes, most of us wants them back.(hopefully its already on the table)
Skins, a lot of skins. Maybe Design-A-Weapon Contests.
Specific loot for specific monsters.

I could go on…

Remember that these are my own/personal ideas. And again, sorry for my english.

Dynamic Events, Achievements and more.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xanatos Chimera.5029

Xanatos Chimera.5029

Survivor is present in GW2, you have to get the required amount of experience (200,000 or 500,000, I think… It’s listed under the Hero tab in the achievements) without leaving the map (You can’t leave Gendarran Fields, for example) or else it resets the progress. I am not sure if waypoints count as map-travel or not. You can die, you just have to earn the XP BETWEEN deaths, like the modified form is in Guild Wars.

We already have a broom you can fly, so ArenaNet is coming up with differnt cosmetics for travelling. I do like the idea of achievements getting tied to dynamic events. Gives a meta-game reason to do them.