Early game nerfs

Early game nerfs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tweaks.1806


I realize u guys want to make players happy but you should let more people get geared and 80 before looking into serious class nerfs example thiefs if they build a glass cannon and blow someone up thats in 40 gear then that person cries along with a bunch of others devs like to nerf a class instead of letting the game flush out… i just think waiting it out and letting the bads get some skill is better then nerfs especially in a new game most havnt even figured out evade yet lol. On phone sorry for ant typos

Asura Thief LVL 80 you should probably run away

Early game nerfs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


As I understand it, the changes were made in light of data from sPvP where level, gear and stats are standardized.